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Third, we have developed a new Risk and Needs Assessment System called the Prisoner AssessmentToolTargetingEstimatedRiskandNeeds,orsimply"PATTERN." Incraftingthe System, the Department worked to make the benefits ofthe FSA as widely available as possible withoutcompromisingpredictivereliability. TheSystemisagoodinitialstepbasedonthe available information, and we will aim to improve it, with more time, consultation, data, and research.
The Department drew on the expertise of a wide range of stakeholders in developing PATTERN. IwouldliketothanktheDirectoroftheBureauofPrisons,theDirectorofthe Administrative Office ofthe United States Courts, the Director ofthe Office ofProbation and Pretrial Services, the Director ofthe National Institute ofJustice, the Director ofthe National Institute of Corrections, and the members of the Independent Review Committee (IRC), with whom I consulted in developing the System. I also want to thank the experts, practitioners, and policy makers, the public, and other stakeholders who engaged in this process. Finally, thank you to the dedicated staff at the Department of Justice, who have worked tirelessly to faithfully implement the First Step Act.