Title | Speaker |
Start Date | 2019-09-00 |
End Date | 2019-09-00 |
Notes | Transcript of UKIP: John Kitson speaking at UKIP Conference 00:00 thank you very much lovely to meet you 00:01 all give yourselves a round of applause 00:03 for coming today so I'm gonna make this 00:10 brief brief I've got a lot to cover I 00:12 got involved with this through the loss 00:14 of my mother who died from a brain tumor 00:16 I believed it was cause from her 00:18 wireless deck phone now if I pull out 00:20 this meter here this is the EMF 00:25 radiation all exposed to on a daily 00:28 basis a lot of places giving readings 00:30 like this now while you can protect 00:33 yourself from normal everyday EMF 00:36 radiation 5g there's no protection so we 00:39 really need to get the awareness out 00:40 there and do something about it 00:57 EMF stands for electromagnetic frequency 01:00 so we're getting this radiation from 01:02 phone masts mobile phones smart meters 01:05 antennas on LED streetlights that are 01:07 now installing up and down the country 01:09 Wi-Fi routers baby monitors Fitbit 01:11 smartwatches Wi-Fi boosters Smart TVs 01:15 deck phones and lots of devices with 01:18 Bluetooth so here's some facts about EMF 01:22 radiation microwave ovens operate at 2.5 01:25 gigahertz 01:26 okay so 4G goes up to about 2.4 01:29 gigahertz so we're basically living in a 01:32 microwave oven all of the time with the 01:34 door open we're getting exposed to this 01:36 all of the time tens of thousands of 01:39 peer-reviewed studies scientific studies 01:41 showing harm from EMF radiation you can 01:45 look at the following sites for more 01:46 information as well as my site 5g 01:48 awareness comm where I've put all the 01:51 provided all the websites and a lot of 01:53 the evidence for this we're talking 01:55 about what sort of effects do we get 01:57 from long-term exposure from this 01:59 radiation so this is from the 02:01 peer-reviewed scientific studies in 02:03 fertility neurological damage 02:05 physiological damage increased oxidative 02:08 stress DNA damage aging cancer 02:12 autoimmune disease 02:14 children are absorbing 60% more of this 02:18 radiation into their bodies their skulls 02:19 are a lot thinner than ours what are we 02:21 seeing in school we're seeing a lot of 02:23 neurological illness depression suicide 02:27 is on the increase increasing ADHD 02:29 autism last 20 years we've seen a 80 02:34 percent decline in insects where it will 02:36 are insects now I'm not seeing very many 02:38 especially in the urban areas Lloyd's of 02:41 London won't insure against damage from 02:43 EMF radiation so this is the 02:47 government's official line and you can 02:49 find this on smart Energy's GP website 02:52 is that public health England says that 02:55 actually this is not a problem you know 02:57 smart meters are fine it's well within 02:59 the guidelines well unfortunately for 03:02 public healthy England in ignor that the 03:05 government often refers to they're 03:07 connected with the industry and the 03:09 industry are funding and supporting 03:12 these guidelines so the guidelines are 03:13 insufficient often people are writing to 03:16 their MPs they're getting these template 03:18 responses about public health England 03:19 says it's not a problem so we're gonna 03:22 look a little bit further into that 03:24 we've got dr. Sarah Starkey who's looked 03:26 at the official guidelines said that 03:28 there aren't sufficient and they're only 03:30 looking at the thermal effects so just 03:32 looking at heating they're not actually 03:33 looking at the biological effects what's 03:35 happening to the DNA to our blood cells 03:38 so her conclusions were that public 03:41 health England are misleading the public 03:43 their conclusions are biased so they're 03:46 leaving out a lot of the studies that 03:47 show damage that show harm they're 03:49 ignoring these thousands of 03:51 peer-reviewed studies that you can go 03:52 directly to if you go to PubMed and yeah 03:56 the UN has a specialized agency called 03:59 the International Telecommunications 04:01 Union which is there to promote the 04:04 interests of the telecommunications 04:05 industry so that's the UN the World 04:09 Health Organization and the UN have 04:11 never responded to the EMF scientist 04:13 appeal which is an appeal that has been 04:15 signed by hundreds of doctors and 04:17 scientists to warn about the effects of 04:20 this radiation that were being exposed 04:22 to so here's the appeal you can find it 04:26 at EMF science 04:27 it's also linked on my website 5g 04:30 awareness calm and they cover the same 04:33 sort of health problems as I mentioned 04:35 earlier and this is just getting 04:37 completely ignored so we're now going to 04:40 see a video looking at the health impact 04:45 of meters on our blood cells 04:57 while industry has failed to do any 04:59 peer-reviewed Studies on smart meters 05:01 and health effects a growing body of 05:03 independent research has now started to 05:05 accumulate in our second set of tests 05:08 we're using the smart meter before the 05:10 exposure we see the same thing as we saw 05:12 in the first samples normal cell walls 05:15 fairly separated and looking healthy so 05:18 after two minutes of exposure in front 05:20 of the smart meter at about one foot 05:22 away we see a totally different story 05:25 sample one you can see a lot of 05:27 degradation in the cells the cell walls 05:29 have been broken and you see changes in 05:32 the cells which are called mycoplasma it 05:34 shows a mutation to the cell in the 05:37 second sample receives a different type 05:39 of degradation to the cell membranes you 05:42 can see a corrugation here this is 05:44 called bottle-cap formation and it's 05:47 known that this occurs due to oxidation 05:49 or exposure to fruit radicals so this 05:53 third subject when we did her sample she 05:57 had to be pulled away from the meter 05:59 after 45 seconds because she complained 06:01 about age increasingly severe headache 06:04 and here you see a phenomenon called 06:07 reuleaux where the red blood cells are 06:09 stacking up which makes it very 06:11 difficult for the blood to deliver 06:13 oxygen to the tissues as they would be 06:15 their normal function every single one 06:18 of these is a degradation every single 06:20 one of these shows a trauma to the blood 06:21 cells and that came from something and 06:24 the only variable was this marking 06:26 what's going on here this is a wireless 06:29 device which is unproven scientifically 06:32 which all the evidence so far proves is 06:35 dangerous or questionable which should 06:37 therefore be studied intensely before 06:40 it's released in public clever people 06:42 called the technology smart to make it 06:45 seem intimidating so no one would 06:46 question it 06:47 some smart admin came up with that and 06:50 God paid 300,000 06:52 to call it a smart meter so you would 06:55 feel less knowledgeable which they know 06:58 we feel and then you wouldn't question 07:00 the smart people putting it in your 07:02 house so I call them not smart meters 07:04 dangerous meters so you can find this 07:09 documentary linked on my website on the 07:11 videos page I strongly recommend you 07:13 watch it we're now going to look at the 07:15 effects on phone masts on animals now 07:18 this is in France and I'm very concerned 07:19 about our food supply so have a look at 07:21 this resolved RDF PC or salon or a 07:31 service your medieval coach uli 07:33 assistant a smaller 07:35 [Music] 07:57 Liberty Bank apartment bizarre the 08:01 vastra fatigue in Philippe de montjuïc 08:03 in vivid blue don't la Nokomis Esposito 08:07 [Music] 08:14 time limit I believe a talk and 08:30 inversion in detention support exact 08:33 Omar mm problem exactly McConnell of 08:35 levels 08:38 [Music] 08:46 lissa the circle detail my predictor she 08:50 figured builder we will not enroll a 08:52 kiss a plot so the vendor telcon 08:54 decrease in the earlier black bags on 08:57 here do kill you might be well but he 08:59 more to darkness and offering what's the 09:06 effect on human beings what's the 09:07 effects on children well there's a very 09:10 interesting case in repoint in 09:12 california where there are cancer 09:14 clusters and of course they're happening 09:16 in this country as well in my local area 09:18 i've been shown various cancer clusters 09:20 around the town but what's happening 09:22 with our children so we're gonna look at 09:23 a quick video here the phone companies 09:25 sprint shut down a cell phone tower on 09:27 the campus of a california elementary 09:30 school after some parents said it may be 09:32 linked to several recent cases of 09:33 childhood cancer now those families at 09:36 Weston Elementary School in ripping 09:38 claim the tower could have exposed their 09:42 kids to harmful radiation my son mister 09:46 growing up with his friends my son lost 09:49 all of this air it's not something that 09:52 I wish on anybody to watch their child 09:55 go through what our children have gone 09:57 through Kelly Prime's son Kyle was just 09:59 10 years old when he was diagnosed with 10:01 kidney cancer in 2016 10:04 five months later Kyle's friend and 10:06 classmate Mason Faru Lee developed brain 10:09 cancer 14 hours to get the tumor out and 10:12 he had five weeks of inpatient 10:16 rehabilitation had to learn to walk talk 10:19 eat everything all over again two more 10:21 kids at the school were diagnosed this 10:23 year at what point are you saying we 10:26 ought to take a close look at the school 10:27 here the moment that I found out that 10:29 Mason had been diagnosed it popped into 10:32 my mind that something was not okay 10:34 the moms believe the recent increase in 10:36 cancer cases could be caused by 10:38 radiation from radio frequency or RF 10:40 waves coming from this cell tower 10:43 located on the elementary school campus 10:46 it is classified as a possible 10:48 carcinogen that tells us that there is 10:50 evidence out there I believe that 10:52 everybody wants to believe our 10:54 government technology is what it is and 10:56 it's growing and it's out of it's 10:57 growing out of control 10:58 thoroughly sons cancer has returned and 11:01 he's now undergoing treatment crime son 11:04 Kyle is in remission but he still 11:06 undergoes scans every three months as 11:09 I've looked into his eyes and I have 11:11 looked at the fear that he has as a 11:12 nine-year-old facing something asking me 11:15 mom am I gonna die 11:17 it would push you to fight as well it 11:20 would push any parent of fate I won't 11:23 stop until it's done until that thing is 11:25 gone for CBS this morning Carter Evans 11:28 Ripon California so I really don't 11:34 understand our government in this 11:35 country they're they're putting millions 11:37 millions into this technology to roll it 11:40 out throughout the UK it's in the major 11:42 political parties manifestos what why 11:45 are they doing this if it's causing so 11:47 much harm 11:48 so 5g on to 5g what is 5g so don't 11:53 professor Martin Powell he's professor 11:56 of biochemistry at Washington State 11:58 University he made this interesting 11:59 quote putting in tens of millions of 12:02 antennae without a single biological 12:05 test of safety who's got to be about the 12:07 stupidest idea anyone has had in the 12:10 history of the world now the videos 12:12 we've looked at what we've looked at so 12:13 far this is without 5g so 5g is on a 12:17 whole you Nevel so looking at 5g what is 12:21 5g is the Internet of Things it's fifth 12:23 generation technology it's masses of 12:26 items microchips 12:27 we're microchipping our pets we're going 12:30 to have automated agriculture 12:32 surveillance everywhere as we're seeing 12:35 all the CCTV cameras go up just like in 12:37 China building management smart homes 12:41 and smart cities through I went to 12:43 Manchester recently they're putting huge 12:45 numbers of skyscrapers up this is why 12:48 they want people living wireless sensor 12:52 networks everywhere so we're not going 12:54 to be able to escape it it's going to 12:55 create this wireless mesh that we're 12:57 surrounded by so here's more about 5g so 13:02 the base coverage of 5g will be below 13:04 one gigahertz this is what they're 13:06 putting out on the antennas on top of 13:08 the LED streetlights these can 3d map 13:11 your homes they can see you inside your 13:13 home and these will be used to guide the 13:16 driverless cars so they'll be connected 13:18 with automated cars with electric cars 13:20 and of course they're cutting down 13:22 millions of trees around the country to 13:25 make way for the antennas smart a lot of 13:29 items are becoming smart now so you've 13:31 got smart meters smart motorways you've 13:33 had over I think 40 deaths now since 13:35 they've introduced the smart motorways 13:37 because they've been smart motorways 13:39 they're doing away with a hard shoulder 13:40 so I don't know what you're supposed to 13:42 do if your car breaks down wireless 13:46 devices are easily hackable so a lot of 13:49 security companies will wire in their 13:51 computers using ethnic cables so I'd 13:55 like to just show you a quick clip again 13:56 this is the Federal Communications 13:59 Commission X chair Tom wheeler 14:01 announcing 5g in the United States and 14:04 the FCC is in charge of all interstate 14:06 communications so let's have a listen to 14:08 mr. Tom wheeler the big game-changer is 14:13 the 5g will use much higher frequency 14:16 bands than previously thought viable for 14:18 mobile broadband and other applica 14:20 such millimeter-wave signals have 14:23 physical properties that are both a 14:25 limitation and a strength they tend to 14:29 travel best in narrow and straight lines 14:31 and they do not go through physical 14:35 objects as well but brilliant engineers 14:39 have developed new antennas that can aim 14:44 and amplify signals now to make this 14:47 work 14:48 five the 5g build-out is going to be 14:50 very infrastructure intensive requiring 14:55 massive deployment of small cells I'm 14:58 confident that the actions will lead to 15:01 a cornucopia of unanticipated innovative 15:06 uses and will generate tens of billions 15:10 of dollars in economic activity and 15:13 that's damn important and stay out of 15:18 the way of technological development 15:22 unlike some countries we do not believe 15:25 that we should spend the next couple of 15:27 years studying what 5g should be or how 15:32 it should operate the future has a way 15:35 of inventing itself turning innovators 15:38 loose is far preferable to expecting 15:41 committees and regulators to define the 15:44 future we won't wait for the standards 15:48 if something can be connected it will be 15:51 connected hundreds of billions of 15:53 microchips connected in products from 15:58 pill bottles to plant waterers we must 16:02 reject the notion that the 5g future 16:05 will be the sole province of urban areas 16:09 the 5g revolution will touch all corners 16:14 of our come to invite him to your house 16:20 for a cup of tea I didn't think so 16:24 so senator Blumenthal this is a very 16:27 important clip the US Senate Commerce 16:30 science and Transportation Committee on 16:32 the hearing of 5g wireless technology in 16:35 its future senator Blumenthal quiz the 16:37 wireless industry on whether any safety 16:40 tests has been conducted to prove that 16:42 5g was safe we're gonna hear a shortened 16:45 version of this clip but five tiers you 16:48 well know also uses higher frequency 16:50 waves that don't travel as far and will 16:53 rely on a network of hundreds of 16:56 thousands potentially millions of small 16:58 cell sites and the question then is are 17:02 there any health implication and he's 17:05 Public Safety implication to those 17:08 additional sites that are likely be 17:11 located close to homes schools 17:14 workplaces and closer and closer to the 17:17 ground my question for for you 17:21 particularly mr. Gillan and mr. Perry 17:24 how much money has the industry 17:28 committed to supporting additional 17:30 independent research I stress 17:33 independent research 17:35 is that independent research ongoing has 17:38 any been completed where can consumers 17:41 look for it and we're talking about 17:46 research on the biological effect of 17:48 this new technology to my knowledge 17:51 there's no active studies being backed 17:52 by industry today but no I'm not aware 17:54 of any no there really is no research 17:57 ongoing we're kind of flying blind here 18:00 so far as health and safety is concerned 18:05 Thank You mr. chairman 18:07 so we're talking about a 17 trillion 18:09 dollar industry the telecommunications 18:12 industry now more powerful the 18:13 pharmaceutical industry no health or 18:15 safety testing so you've got here dr. 18:19 Sharon Goldberg who's an internal 18:21 medicine doctor we're gonna hear a 18:23 little bit from her I'm Sharon Goldberg 18:26 I'm an internal medicine physician I've 18:28 practiced medicine for 21 years and my 18:30 background is mostly academic internal 18:32 medicine Hospital based clinical 18:35 research and medical education I am 18:38 going to skip many of the things I 18:41 wanted to say because I didn't realize 18:42 it was only five minutes wireless 18:45 radiation has biological effects period 18:48 this is no longer a subject for debate 18:51 when you look at PubMed and the peer 18:53 review literature these effects are seen 18:55 in all life forms plants animals insects 18:59 microbes in humans we have clear 19:02 evidence of cancer now there is no 19:04 question we have it evidence of DNA 19:07 damage cardiomyopathy which is the 19:10 precursor of congestive heart failure 19:12 neuropsychiatric effects so 5g is not a 19:15 conversation about whether or not these 19:18 biological effects exist they clearly do 19:21 5g is a conversation about unsustainable 19:25 healthcare expenditures she is one of 19:28 many many doctors warning about this so 19:32 you've got the space appeal again 19:34 hundreds of doctors and scientists 19:35 appealing to stop 5g on earth and in 19:38 space and then of course you've got 19:41 Europe that's putting a lot of money 19:43 behind 5g so the European Commission is 19:46 earmarked a public funding of 19:48 700 million euros to roll out 5g 5g is 19:53 being installed on the lampposts a lot 19:55 of these LED streetlights going up cause 19:57 blue light from the LED streetlights has 19:59 been linked to breast and prostate 20:01 cancer but still they're rolling this 20:03 out and then there's the injury to trees 20:06 that's occurring so here's some 20:08 peer-reviewed research you can look up 20:09 on PubMed showing the damage to the tree 20:12 that's facing the cellphone mast and 20:14 again the leaves and bushes his is a 20:18 wireless smart meter here and the the 20:21 Bush is dying off and you've got the 20:24 watercress test where they had crests 20:26 close to a Wireless Russa and it just 20:29 the seeds wouldn't grow properly and 20:31 then house five gene being pitched so 20:34 it's being pitched as having a low 20:35 carbon footprint you know they want to 20:37 lower your carbon footprint because 20:39 we've got to deal with our carbon 20:41 dioxide problem if you think of it as a 20:43 problem so smart meters low carbon 20:46 installations this is how they're 20:47 pushing this through its apparently 20:49 going to save us from co2 electric 20:51 vehicles well they won't mention is is 20:54 the dozen devices in electric vehicles 20:56 that emit high EMF radiation so there'll 20:58 be a lot worse than diesel cars so 21:02 lithium batteries exploding when you 21:06 post something in the post they'll often 21:08 ask you if you have a lithium-ion 21:09 battery because it can explode very 21:12 easily if it bumps around but they're 21:13 putting these in cars which I find 21:16 bizarre so this shows how they're 21:17 connecting with the streetlights and 21:19 what we don't hear is co2 is actually 21:21 greening the earth that people with 21:23 green houses use co2 to help their 21:26 plants to grow so it's the gas of life 21:27 we are carbon-based so if we get rid of 21:30 carbon dioxide that's going to probably 21:33 cause a real problem for us isn't it so 21:35 of course we don't hear about this we 21:36 hear about these climate emergencies and 21:39 they fell the trees this was in London 21:42 before declaring the climb and emergency 21:44 so it was nothing about co2 it was an 21:48 excuse to get all this technology up and 21:50 running I made this video 52,000 views 21:54 now on YouTube if you search for it in 21:55 the search it's now censored so you have 21:57 to go to my youtube channel 5g awareness 21:59 and 22:00 tells the truth about extinction 22:01 rebellion it is not a grassroots 22:04 organization it is a government 22:05 supported an industry organization 22:08 that's pushing out 5g and I explained 22:11 exactly what's going on in this video if 22:14 you look at the climate emergency 22:16 documentation you hear about them 22:17 talking about electric vehicle charging 22:18 points and LED streetlights which are 22:21 key to the 5g infrastructure and then 22:26 electric cars will be connected with 5g 22:28 and Huawei this is a really important 22:30 point that a Chinese company is going to 22:32 be taking over our energy infrastructure 22:35 so our cars running through the LED 22:38 streetlights we're talking about 22:39 everything automated agriculture to grow 22:41 our food China is going to be taking 22:44 over our country so I find that very 22:47 very concerning indeed that we don't 22:49 have control that we won't have control 22:51 over our energy over over our economy if 22:54 they roll out 5g if Huawei which of 22:57 course to Raisa may gave the go-ahead 22:59 and she was warned by the United States 23:01 not to do so so you've got here some of 23:05 the people responsible the charity's 23:07 World Wildlife Fund pushing smart meters 23:09 Friends of the Earth RSPB 23:11 on their websites the UN through the 23:13 sustainable development goals we all 23:15 must have smart grids and Barrie Trower 23:17 I don't really have time to cover this 23:19 but he's an expert 23:21 Royal Navy X Navy radar expert and he's 23:25 explained how this is weapons technology 23:27 they've used it in decades in war so why 23:31 they rolling it out in our street so how 23:32 can you really get the word out spread 23:34 the word of 5g to others if you can get 23:37 me an audience to speak about this I'm 23:39 more than happy to attend and get the 23:41 word out I really am desperate to wake 23:43 up as many people as possible and I 23:45 thank you for listening to me so far 23:47 today attend your local council meetings 23:50 we've added we've got a moratorium in 23:53 totnes pressure your councillors to have 23:56 a moratorium to invoke the precautionary 23:58 principle get your home wired up so 24:02 we've had these this is on my site where 24:04 the councilors opposed the 5g in the 24:07 town and you can also donate and that 24:10 helps me to get up and down the 24:12 to be talking about this because I 24:14 equipped my five figure salary in Tokyo 24:16 as a headhunter I'm now doing this full 24:17 time and I solely rely on donations so I 24:20 welcome any support that you can give me 24:22 and there are links to clothing meters 24:26 which you can use to protect yourself or 24:28 scan for radiation on the site or get a 24:30 discount and then the events that we've 24:32 got coming up in September and October 24:34 and I've created a forum more recently 24:37 as well so how long do we have to deal 24:41 with 5g and this is just my my sort of 24:44 closing comment really and this is 24:46 Professor Martin Powell who I quote 24:48 again who's one of the leading 24:50 scientists who's really trying to get 24:52 the word out on 5g and he said what we 24:55 know from human and animal studies is 24:57 that we probably have between five and 25:00 seven years until our collective brain 25:03 function will crash based on exposures 25:07 we already have so this is without 5g 25:09 this is the rise in Alzheimer's in 25:11 dementia in ADHD amongst our children 25:14 but also amongst the adult population 25:16 this is without 5g with 5g I'm 25:19 estimating six months so we absolutely 25:23 have to stop this who's with me 25:27 thank you very much indeed 25:29 nice to meet you 25:32 [Applause] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SlfjLQLqfQ |