Piggyback meeting Industry Consortium on Learning Engineering (ICICLE)
Piggyback meeting iFEST 2018: Future Learning Ecosystem
Start Date 2018-00-00
Notes Concurrent Events: Hackathon, Working Groups, and Awards Many organizations and government entities have used the opportunity of this large-scale gathering, to organize the meetings of their own focus groups. In conjunction with the iFEST other topical events were held, such as: TLA Hackathon, IEEE's ICICLE meeting, and Learning 100! Award, to name a few. As TLA Spiral 2.0 Testing in Fort Bragg occurred only a few weeks prior to iFEST, the conference timeframe naturally turned into a perfect opportunity for planning and executing the TLA Hackathon. All attendees with the technical background and interest in xAPI statements were invited to participate in analyzing the fresh data collected during the TLA testing in Fort Bragg. The TLA Hackathon was a 24 hour long event that concluded just before the iFEST kick off.
Updated over 4 years ago

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