Linda Darling Hammond has/had a position (Advisory Board) at Center for International Benchmarking

Title Advisory Board
Start Date 2011-00-00
Notes CIEB HOME ABOUT US NEWSLETTER POLICY BRIEFS TOP PERFORMING COUNTRIES RESEARCH AND PARTNERSHIPS International Advisory Board The Center on International Education Benchmarking is advised by some of the world’s leading experts on education. Members of the advisory board include: Kai-ming Cheng, is professor and chair of education and director of the Education Policy Unit at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. He has trained as a mathematician and worked as a school teacher and principal. Recently appointed to China’s State Advisory Committee on Curriculum Reform, he was also appointed as a member of the Hong Kong Education Commission, where he was instrumental in the comprehensive reform of the education system in Hong Kong that began in 1999. Linda Darling-Hammond, President and CEO, Learning Policy Institute, was previously the Charles E. Ducommun professor of education at Stanford University Graduate School of Education, and a former president of the American Educational Research Association and member of the National Academy of Education. She served as executive director of the National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. While at Stanford University, Darling-Hammond has launched the Stanford Educational Leadership Institute and the School Redesign Network. Michael Day, emeritus professor of education and director of the School of Education at Roehampton University. Formerly, Professor Day served as executive director of teacher training for the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA), Manchester, England. Before joining the TDA, he worked at the Department for Education and Skills for 11 years on a range of education and employment policy areas including special needs, post-16 qualifications, the nursery school voucher scheme, and support and guidance to socially excluded young people. He started his career as a researcher and later trained as a primary teacher before moving to King Alfred’s College, Winchester, as a senior lecturer specializing in primary education. Anthony Mackay, is CEO, Centre for Strategic Education (CSE) Melbourne, Inaugural Chair, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), and Inaugural Deputy Chair, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). He is the immediate Past President of the Australian Curriculum Studies Association; Board Director of the Australian Council for Educational Research; Board Member of the University of Melbourne, Graduate School of Education and Australian College of Educators 2006 medalist. Barry McGaw, honorary professorial fellow at the University of Melbourne and chair of the board of ACARA. Mr. McGaw has also served as director for education at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He was executive director of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and professor of education at Murdoch University. He started his career as a science teacher in Queensland secondary schools. Chew Leng Poon is director of research and evaluation and principal specialist for research and curriculum for the planning division of the Singapore Ministry of Education where she is responsible for a variety of international benchmarking studies and is the project manager for ATC21S for Singapore, an international project on 21st century skills. Hon. Patricia Hekia ParataPatricia Hekia Parata served as the New Zealand Minister of Education from 2011 until 2017. She has also served as a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives, having been elected to parliament in the 2008 general election as a member of the New Zealand National Party. Ursula RenoldUrsula Renold, is the head of the division of comparative education system research at ETH Zurich. She is the former general director of the Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology and a former visiting fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her research interests include comparative education with a specific focus on vocational and professional education and training. Pasi Sahlberg is a Finnish educator, author and scholar. He has worked as schoolteacher, teacher educator, researcher and policy advisor in Finland and has examined education systems around the world. His expertise includes school improvement, international education issues, classroom teaching and learning, teacher education, and school leadership. He is the author of best-seller book “Finnish Lessons 2.0: What can the world learn from educational change in Finland” (Teachers College Press, 2015). Andreas Schleicher, special advisor on education policy to the Secretary-General and director for the Directorate of Education and Skills OECD, he served as director for analysis at the International Association for Educational Achievement within the Institute for Educational Research in the Netherlands. Robert B. Schwartz, Professor Emeritus of Practice in Educational Policy and Administration at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has played a variety of roles in education and government over the past four decades, including high school teacher and principal, foundation officer, and president of Achieve, Inc. Vivien Stewart, is Vice President for Education at the Asia Society. Prior to joining Asia Society, Stewart directed the children, youth and education programs at Carnegie Corporation of New York. She has also been a senior adviser on education for the United Nations. Dylan WiliamDylan Wiliam is Emeritus Professor of Educational Assessment at the University of London’s Institute of Education where he recently completed a term as the Institute’s Deputy Director. He previously served as Dean and Assistant Principal of the School of Education at King’s College London and as Senior Research Director of the Learning and Teaching Research Center at Educational Testing Service. Wong Siew HoongSiew Hoong Wong is Director-General of Education in Singapore. Previously, Mr. Wong served as Director of Schools from 2004-2011 and as Deputy Director-General of Education (Curriculum) from 2011-present. Minxuan Zhang is Professor and Director of Research at the Institute of International Comparative Education at Shanghai Normal University. At present, Professor Zhang chairs the project of the open door policy framework design for Chinese international education in the future for the government of China he is also PISA and TALIS Shanghai Project leader.
Updated over 5 years ago