Type Donor
Goods <p><strong>NSF Grants</strong></p> NSF Grants NSF ITEST (DRL-1031351) Collaborative Research: Scaling up an Innovative Approach for Attracting Students to Computing NSF (0903271) Transition: Alice 2 to Alice 3 in Community Colleges NSF (0833496) Strategies: ACTIVATE: Advancing Computing and Technology Interest and innovation through Teacher Education NSF (0849104) Beta-testing for Alice 3 NSF (0835371) Collaborative Research: Enabling Independent Learning of Computer Programming Using Programs Written by Peers NSF (0736552) A Collaborative Research: Alice += Java NSF (0618531) Collaborative Research: Alice and Media Computation NSF (0624528) An Innovative Approach for Attracting Students to Computing NSF(0339734) A Visualization Using Virtual Worlds NSF(0302542) JABRWOC — Java-based Animation: Building virtual Worlds for Object-oriented programming in Community colleges The Alice project is partially funded by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, finding and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Updated over 5 years ago

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