KIPP Character Framework and KIPP Foundation have/had a generic relationship

Program of KIPP Character Framework
Created for KIPP Foundation
Notes Work hard. Be nice. A focus on character has been the cornerstone of KIPP since we began and is still the essence of what we believe: to succeed in college and the world beyond, KIPPsters need both a strong academic foundation and well-developed character strengths. They’re deeply interconnected and we never compromise one for the other. KIPP’s character work focuses on the seven strengths that are critical for an engaged, happy, and successful life. Our character framework was developed by educators at KIPP NYC in collaboration with Dr. Angela Duckworth, Dr. Martin Seligman, and the late Dr. Chris Peterson, and in partnership with Riverdale Country School. Character Strengths Zest Enthusiastic and energetic participation in life Grit Perseverance and passion for long-term goals Optimism Confidence in a future full of positive possibilities Self-Control The capacity to regulate one's own responses so they align with short and long-term goals Gratitude Appreciation for the benefits we receive from others, and the desire to express thanks Social Intelligence Understanding the feelings of others and adapting actions accordingly Curiosity Eagerness to explore new things with openness
Updated about 5 years ago

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