Type Grant
Start Date 2015-00-00
Goods he project addresses three limitations of our current system: We don’t measure enough of the right things. Traditional summative assessments rely on easily scored items and cover only a small percentage of what matters most, the knowledge, skills, and dispositions most predictive of success We don’t measure in ways that enhance teaching and learning. Assessment is too often treated as an event rather than a process, isolated from instruction and conflated with accountability We don’t engage educators. We are not sufficiently preparing and empowering educators to determine the most appropriate roles for assessment in support of personalized learning With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the partnership is launching a $2 million grant program that will support pilot programs that will attack these problems. In the first phase of the Assessment for Learning Project grants there will be 12 to 15 grants with a duration of six to 12 months. Grants will range from $50,000 to $225,000, commensurate with the complexity of the work. Grantees will benefit from technical assistance. Follow on grants may be provided to support deeper work and scaling.
Updated about 6 years ago

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