America Achieves and Results For America have/had a generic relationship

Incubated America Achieves
Spin off Results For America
Start Date 2012-00-00
End Date 2016-00-00
Notes Over a four year period, Results for America went from being a concept to a leading voice in advancing and driving evidence-based policy change. Results for America was launched and incubated within America Achieves over a 4-year period. Results for America (RFA) helps policymakers at all levels of government harness the power of evidence and data to solve the world’s great challenges. Notably, Results for America worked closely with both Republican and Democratic members of Congress to include a number of important evidence provisions in the rewrite of the nation’s Federal education law, the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These evidence provisions could shift more than $2 billion in federal education dollars each year to evidence-based solutions. These accomplishments paved the way for RFA’s next phase of progress, and for the transition of RFA to an independent 501c3. Results for America became an independent 501c3 nonprofit organization on October 1, 2016. RFA continues to collaborate with America Achieves to advance our shared agenda.
Updated over 6 years ago