Cheryl LaFleur and New England Power Generators Association have/had a generic relationship

Concurred with nega's tarriff challenged Cheryl LaFleur
Start Date 2014-09-16
End Date 2014-09-16
Notes LaFLEUR, Chairman, concurring: The ISO-New England (ISO-NE) Forward Capacity Market (FCM) plays a vital role in ensuring reliability in New England. The FCM auction (the Forward Capacity Auction or FCA) is the mechanism that ensures future system reliability by procuring capacity resources sufficient to meet New England’s resource adequacy needs.1 It is therefore imperative that the rules governing the FCA be transparent and that auction participants not be subject to significant regulatory uncertainty or after-the-fact ratemaking. This is especially important in light of the current capacity situation in New England, where for the first time the region is facing an overall capacity shortage2 and the FCM must procure new resources in order to satisfy New England’s reliability needs. In today’s order, the Commission requires ISO-NE to either revise its tariff to provide for Independent Market Monitor (IMM) review of import offers prior to each FCA or show cause why it should not be required to do so. While I am concerned that any new tariff provisions regarding the mitigation of imported resources may discourage their market participation, I agree with ordering ISO-NE to examine its tariff and ensure that mitigation provisions are just and reasonable. Under the Federal Power Act (FPA), the Commission has the authority and obligation to require prospective rate changes needed to ensure that rates remain just and reasonable.3 As such, I support today’s order.
Updated over 7 years ago

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