The son of a leftist academic, Archibald Singham, Mr. Singham is a longtime activist who founded the Chicago-based software consultancy Thoughtworks. He sold Thoughtworks to a private equity firm for $785 million. Mr. Singham now works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide. The New York Times tracked hundreds of millions of dollars to groups linked to Mr. Singham that mix progressive advocacy with Chinese government talking points. Some, like No Cold War, popped up in recent years. Others, like the American antiwar group Code Pink, have morphed over time. These groups are funded through American nonprofits flush with at least $275 million in donations. Mr. Singham’s groups have produced YouTube videos that, together, racked up millions of views. The result is a seemingly organic bloom of far-left groups that echo Chinese government talking points. In 2017, Mr. Singham married Jodie Evans, a former Democratic political adviser and the co-founder of Code Pink. Photos from the event show Amy Goodman, host of “Democracy Now!”; Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream; and V, the playwright formerly known as Eve Ensler, who wrote “The Vagina Monologues.”