Prior to joining Foundation Capital, Adam was president of Excite@Home's 1,400-person Subscriber Networks division, responsible for @Home (residential broadband sales and marketing), @Work (commercial access, hosting, and e-commerce solutions), company-wide customer care, engineering, and operations. He was the co-founder, President and CEO of Catapult Entertainment from inception through its merger with Mpath and subsequent IPO. Before his startup life, Adam worked at technology innovators Apple Computer, Lucasfilm, and Sony in engineering and management. Infused with a love of technology and art, Adam builds boats and planes, bikes avidly if slowly, races karts even more slowly, and adopts rhinos and manatees for unsuspecting friends. Adam holds BAS, MS, and MBA degrees from Stanford University, is a lecturer at the UCLA School of Film and Television and contributes to National Public Radio's Marketplace.