Co-founder and Former President of Technology for Google
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Sergey Brin also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
John Giannandrea Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Google Inc. Google Netpac, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Dennis Troper Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Google Inc. Google Netpac, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Jeannie Blaustein Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012, My Ride to Vote
David C Drummond Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Google Inc. Google Netpac, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Sage Weil Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012, My Ride to Vote
Vint Cerf Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Google Inc. Google Netpac, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Rebecca Prozan Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Google Inc. Google Netpac, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Ross Koningstein Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Google Inc. Google Netpac, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Michelle Yee Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
George Stevens Jr Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Sheryl K Sandberg Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Google Inc. Google Netpac
Stephen Ondra Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Sam Rawlings Walton Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Sarah M Schmidt Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Nancy Lasseter Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Patrick Salvi Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Page Knudsen Cowles Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Robert S Baizer Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Alan M Leventhal Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Anne Gates Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Obama Victory Fund 2012