Sohini Chatterjee is an associate in the Washington office of Steptoe & Johnson LLP, where she is a member of the Regulatory & Industry Affairs Department and the International Department. Ms. Chatterjee provides legal and strategic advice on expanding access to foreign markets, as well as US trade litigation and civil litigation. She has significant experience in cross-border internal corporate investigations and defense of companies under the laws of the United States and European Union. Her practice includes advising US and foreign clients on the antitrust implications of business initiatives such as long-term, exclusive or reciprocal supply or distribution arrangements, responses to industry de-regulation, and antitrust compliance programs. While working as a summer associate for a law firm in Brussels, Ms. Chatterjee gained experience on regulatory and corporate matters with an array of international clients. Her work involved EU regulatory and tax issues and domestic regulatory matters. Prior to law school, Ms. Chatterjee was employed by the US Department of State’s Mission to the United Nations. At the State Department, she worked for the ECOSOC--the Economic and Social Council, specifically on the Women's Conference: Beijing +5. She also assisted Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts with press issues and performed research for the Violence Against Women Act. Additionally, Ms. Chatterjee worked for The Protection Project, a legal human rights research institute where she focused on issues involving human trafficking and child slavery in Africa and South America. Ms. Chatterjee provides pro bono representation in a number of practice areas, including family law, domestic violence law, and international human rights law.