Along with her service as a Trustee of the Trinity Forum, Barbara is a generous contributor to the world community through her work with Path North, the African Health and Hospital Foundation, and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. As a member of Path North, Barbara serves as a resource for business leaders to bring meaning and fresh perspective to both work and life. She is also on the board of the African Health and Hospital Foundation, and at this time Barbara, along with her daughter Christina, is involved in developing public libraries in Rwanda. In the village of Rwinkawavu, Rwanda, she has been helping in the work of Partners in Health, an organization that provides the benefits of modern medical science in nine African countries. As founder and president of BF Publications, she is the author of The Bryant Family Vineyard Cookbook. All proceeds from this endeavor support the work of the Bowery Mission, where she is a founding member of the Bowery Mission Women's Residential Center in New York. A life-long resident of St. Louis, Barbara supports the Haven of Grace, a local residential ministry of faith for homeless pregnant women and their children. Barbara is the mother of three children. Her hobbies include gardening, cooking, painting, art, and antiques.