Business Positions
In the office of
Jerry Nadler
US Representative from New York (1991-present)
Kirsten Gillibrand
US Senator and Representative from New York
Jerry Nadler
US Representative from New York (1991-present)
Michael E M R McMahon
US Representative from New York
Steve Israel
Democratic US Representative from New York
Nita M Lowey
US Representative from New York
Joe Crowley
Lobbyist, former Congressperson (D-NY 14)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Political Fundraising Committee for Democratic Senatorial Candidates
Hakeem Jeffries
US Representative D-New York (2013-present)
Peter T King
US Representative from New York (1993-2021)
Services & Transactions
Beth Israel Medical Center
Hospital in Passaic, New Jersey
American Hospital Association
Association of hospitals and health care networks
Caritas Christi Health Care System
New England Catholic healthcare network sold to private equity Cerberus Capital Management, transformed into for-profit Steward Health Care