Mr. Rose is the Director of Federal Relations for The Normandy Group, LLC. Mr. Rose has nearly ten years of experience on Capitol Hill in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Most recently, Mr. Rose served as a Legislative Assistant for Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA-35). In that role, he was responsible for overseeing and implementing the Congresswoman's appropriations initiatives and helped to secure millions of dollars for the cities, schools, non-profit organizations and other community groups in the District. Mr. Rose also worked on budget, defense, energy, labor and other issues for the Congresswoman. Mr. Rose also worked for Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) in various capacities from 1999 until the Senator's initial retirement in 2001. Mr. Rose has a strong knowledge of Congressional procedure as well as extensive contacts throughout the House of Representatives and Senate. Mr. Rose has also worked on several House, Senate, and Presidential campaigns including Vice-President Al Gore's presidential campaign, Senator Charles Robb's (D-VA) reelection campaign in 2000, Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign, Representative Brian Higgins' (D-NY-27) election campaign in 2004, and Representative Zack Space (D-OH-18) election campaign in 2006. Mr. Rose is a graduate of Muhlenberg College.