Beth Tritter is a Managing Director at The Glover Park Group and specializes in government relations and strategic communications. While at The Glover Park Group, Tritter has focused primarily on clients with an interest in U.S. foreign policy. She has advised multinational corporations such as Standard Chartered Bank and De Beers on their thought leadership strategies and helped them engage with US audiences. Tritter has also worked with a range of non-profit organizations, advocacy coalitions, and foundations with a specific interest in U.S. foreign assistance – including the Better World Campaign, the International Conservation Partnership, and the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network — on legislative strategy, campaign planning and outreach, and messaging. Tritter joined GPG after nearly a decade on Capitol Hill, serving most recently as Legislative Director for Congresswoman Nita Lowey of New York, Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations. Tritter received Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from the University of Pennsylvania in Modern Middle Eastern Studies, and studied at the American University in Cairo, Egypt. She is on the board of the Society for International Development-Washington, the Democracy Council, and the Washington Chapter of the American Jewish Committee.