Chairman of Banco Popular
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Richard L Carrion
PersonCommon Orgs
Frederic V Salerno Verizon Communications Inc., Popular Inc, NYNEX
Maria Luisa Ferre Rangel Popular Inc, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, Museo de Arte de Ponce
Ivan G Seidenberg Verizon Communications Inc., Wyeth, LLC, NYNEX
Walter V Shipley Verizon Communications Inc., Wyeth, LLC, NYNEX
Jose R Vizcarrondo Carrion Popular Inc, Comité Asesor de Reconstrucción Económica y Fiscal de Puerto Rico
Donald H Layton Federal Reserve Bank of New York, The Financial Services Roundtable
John W Diercksen Verizon Communications Inc., Popular Inc
Nicholas Prouty Museo de Arte de Ponce, Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais
David H Chafey Jr Popular Inc, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
Kathryn S Wylde Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais
Alejandro M Ballester Popular Inc, Comité Asesor de Reconstrucción Económica y Fiscal de Puerto Rico
José Ramón González Asociacion de Bancos de Puerto Rico, Comité Asesor de Reconstrucción Económica y Fiscal de Puerto Rico
Ignacio Alvarez Popular Inc, Asociacion de Bancos de Puerto Rico
Juan J Bermudez Popular Inc, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
Helene L Kaplan Verizon Communications Inc., NYNEX
Hugh B Price Verizon Communications Inc., NYNEX
Sandra O Moose Verizon Communications Inc.
Joseph Neubauer Verizon Communications Inc.
John R Stafford Verizon Communications Inc.
Martha Frances Keeth Verizon Communications Inc.