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Skip to content Facebook page opens in new window Twitter page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window YouTube page opens in new window Spatial Web FoundationA not-for-profit organization Spatial Web Foundation Book Press Posts Protocol Partners WHAT IS THE SPATIAL WEB FOUNDATION? "The Spatial Web will transform every facet of our everyday lives." - Peter Diamandis The SWF mission is to develop & maintain the technical & ethical standards for the Spatial Web. The Spatial Web can be seen as a set of open source protocols. More than that, it is also a platform whose purpose is to allow organizations and individuals of all types to overcome the limitations of the current web. This means not only moving from two dimensions to three or more, but re-establishing the very standards necessary for our global evolution. Trust Interoperability Privacy Security Spatial Web PromoPlay Video THE BOOK We are thrilled to announce that VERSES Co-Founders, Gabriel René and Dan Mapes, have published The Spatial Web: How Web 3.0 Will Connect Humans, Machines, and AI to Transform the World Blade Runner, The Matrix, Star Wars, Avatar, Star Trek, Ready Player One, The Avengers, and many other popular films show us futuristic worlds where holograms, robots, smart devices, virtual avatars, digital transactions, and universe-scale teleportation all work together in sync, combining the virtual and the physical with the mechanical and the biological. It won’t be fiction much longer. Spatial Web Book Gabriel Rene Gabriel René Dan Mapes MENTIONS & TESTIMONIALS PRESS ABOUT THE SPATIAL WEB DELOITTE (JULY 2020) The Spatial Web and Web 3.0: What business leaders should know about the next era of computing FORBES (AUGUST 2020) Global Collaboration To Track Governments And Companies In Response To The Climate Crisis FORBES (MAY 2020) The 14 Features Any Ethical Covid-19 Contact Tracing Effort Should Incorporate COINDESK (MARCH 2020) Yale Researchers Turn to Hyperledger to Track Carbon Emissions E27 (OCTOBER 2019) How the spatial web is changing the internet as we know it VR/AR ASSOCIATION (OCTOBER 2019) The Spatial Web with Gabriel René MEDIUM: THE STARTUP An Introduction to The Spatial Web WRAL TECH WIRE (SEPTEMBER 2019) When the web is no longer flat – Building the Spatial Web for the Tony Stark in all of us "Spatial Web Protocol... enables the ideal system for advanced robotic avatars to explore the world... to quickly access and navigate new locations and regulate permissions instantly - multiplying the effect of telepresence “being there"... the perfect AR enhancement enabler for humans." Harry Kloor Dr. Harry Kloor CEO and CoFounder, Beyond Imagination Inc Founding Team Member, Singularity University "René and Mapes present us with a roadmap that connects the dots of immersive computing, artificial intelligence and the internet... a visionary work that will guide the integration of current technologies in clever ways to create a new sphere of higher dimensionality... a ‘giant leap for mankind’ that will lift us to new worlds." Tom Furness Prof. Tom Furness University of Washington “Grandfather of Virtual Reality” "The Spatial Web locks the physical and virtual worlds into an open toolbox that Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and People can use together. This groundbreaking book provides us with the keys needed for each of us to unlock this value for ourselves and a clear roadmap to empower us as a global community to live out a future where we truly benefit from the full value of our personal data, time and space." Mark Meadows Mark Meadows AI and Avatar Pioneer & Founder and CEO, Botanic Industries "We are entering a critical epoch in human history when the very fabric of our imaginations, ideas and identity will be communicated within a new reality. Our joyful responsibility is to guarantee a "White Mirror" future where we prioritize values-driven design, data sovereignty, and holistic flourishing for people and planet. René and Mapes provide the philosophy, technology, and steps to achieve this positive and pragmatic future." John C Havens John C. Havens Executive Director, IEEE Ethics for AI and Autonomous Systems "A seismic shift in how we live and who we are as humans is upon us and the decisions we make today will impact our world for centuries to come. When the stakes are so high, “The Spatial Web” presents us with a clear roadmap setting the basis for the future of content, connection, community and commerce." Cathy Hackl Cathy Hackl XR Futurist & Enterprise Strategy, Magic Leap "In this extraordinary book, a coherent vision is laid out that defines and describes the cross-industry universal standards necessary to ensure a unified approach to enabling everything to work together - Iot, AI, AR and more - unlocking the value that will come from the Spatial Web for everyone." andy-timm-headshot Andy Timm Former CTO, PTC, Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystem Architect POSTS & ARTICLES FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES Piecemeal descriptions and industry-centric narratives do not provide the holistic vantage point from which we must consider how best to make the critically important decisions regarding matters of privacy, security, interoperability, and trust in an age where powerful computing will literally surround us. 01. Trust A great “Convergence” of all computing technologies and all networks must ensure secure and trustworthy interactions and transactions between the human, machine, and virtual economies. 02. Interoperability Such a Convergence could lead to the creation of a new web that connects physical places together with virtual places. It could enable an open and interoperable new generation of the web. 03. Privacy Individual control, trust, and security utilizing cryptographically-secured and decentrally-stored digital identity enables “trustlessly” complete interactions and transactions with anonymity and auditability. 04. Security Because Web 3.0 presents many new challenges to security, privacy, and verifiability, new innovations are required. The Spatial Index uses various security mechanisms to control the usage, transfer of Assets, and interactions with a Space and its contents. SPATIAL WEB STANDARDS In order to link and search geospatial and virtual worlds—simultaneously, across multiple platorms—creators and users requre universally standardized formats, languages and protocol standards. Here is a high-level outline. domain-opt Spatial Domains A Web Domain name serves as a way to identify Internet resources, such as computers, networks, and services. It is really just an address. We need a solution that metaphorically AND literally “addresses” space. We need a three-dimensional or “spatial” domain. DETAILS state-opt Statefulness: a distributed ledger for identity and value A Distributed Ledger-enabled and tokenized stateful web can reliably connect virtual and real-world spaces, track value, validate identity, and location while preserving privacy and data sovereignty. DETAILS contracts-ui-edit HSPL: the Hyperspace Programming Language HSPL or Spatial Contracts are “contracts as code”—programmable, automated and self-executing software that removes trade or service agreements from the realm of static documents that require constant human management and instead program them into the spatial interactions themselves so that contracts are executed by the correct action. DETAILS mt-standards HSTP: a universal spatial protocol standard Similar to how we link content and web pages on the Web today using HTTP, HSTP is the solution for traversing the Spatial Web. HSTP allows for “hyperporting” of users and Smart Assets between web spaces. “Hyperspace” links can be placed in one webspace that links to any information about anything or to another webspace. DETAILS STRATEGIC PARTNERS WHY A FOUNDATION? Neutrality To serve the global public good, development of the spatial web must not be dominated by the interests of specific govenments or corporations. Protection of Universal Standards & Open Protocols The Foundation fosters standards and protocols for universal interoperability, without which adoption will be slow. A panel of global experts A council of stakeholders in human technological advancement is best suited to choose the optimum framework. Framework Current regulatory frameworks are far behind the market, chasing the problems that occurred half a decade ago or more. Beyond Silos Competing systems for basic of spatial organization block the free flow of information. Protection of Security, Privacy, Identity Individuals must have basic trust in the security and sovereignty of identity in order to transact in a 21st century online world. “To assist in creating awareness, advocacy, and adoption of Web 3.0 standards, we the authors and our associates have established the Spatial Web Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to delivering the protocols and specifications needed for an open, free, and secure Spatial Web.” Gabriel René and Dan Mapes Foundation Co-Founders GET IN TOUCH Want to reach out to SWF? For now, you can let us know what’s on your mind using this form. We can’t guarantee a response, but we also won’t share your email. In the future, we’ll be offering options to subscribe to updates along with how to get more involved in the broader effort to make the Spatial Web a reality. Name* Email* Message Spatial Web Foundation Los Angeles CA, USA VERSES LABS © Spatial Web Foundation – 2020. 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