tal Health Digital Health initiatives Clinical information sharing Clinical information sharing Share(show more) Listen(show more) More(show more) Key messages The Clinical Information Sharing Platform is a critical enabler to improving patient safety The Clinical Information Sharing will be deployed across an initial 3 public health services with a view to expand Clinical Information Sharing will enable effective and efficient clinical handover and continuity of care between health services Victoria’s Digitising Health strategy, based on recommendations within the Targeting Zero report, identifies the need for investment in digital health information and related technologies to facilitate the delivery of person-centred healthcare. The focus will be on the acute health sector (i.e. Public Hospitals), to target safety and quality areas of most immediate risk to patients. Three digital health critical enablers have been identified to deliver these improvements: further rollout of electronic medical records to Victorian public health services a unique patient identification capability across the Victorian health sector a clinical information sharing platform across Victorian health services Improved patient identification and the linking of patient records across health services is a prerequisite to the implementation of CIS platform. Digital patient identification, electronic capture and sharing of clinical information are critical for enabling management and use of health information for the provision of care and service improvement. Overview The department is working with Victorian health services and their clinical experts to determine requirements to deliver CIS capability across the Victorian public health sector. This program of work includes deployment to three health services. Following this, the CIS capability will be extended to support statewide deployment, as funding allows. At present, Victorian patients may have multiple unlinked health records spread across multiple health services, resulting in fragmented, rather than person-centred healthcare. CIS will enable effective and efficient clinical handover and continuity of care between health services. Handover and transitions in care are high-risk steps in the patient care journey. The need for a CIS solution is highlighted in emergency situations, where a patient’s medical history is unknown but immediate clinical decisions are necessary. The CIS platform is a Victorian technology solution that will share public hospital data and make it available to healthcare providers (medical practitioners) within health services for the purposes of providing patient care. CIS will support clinical workflows and will contain ‘continuity of care’ clinical information for all patients that attend a public health service in Victoria. The CIS will facilitate access to the summary information in a patient’s My Health Record (MHR); this includes information across the broader health ecosystem (Victorian and national) e.g. general practices, private diagnostics, specialists and clinical information from other states and territories. The combination of access to local health data provided by the CIS and a summary of a patient’s medical history from outside Victoria via the MHR will enable healthcare providers to have a more complete record of their patient’s medical history. Timelines The CIS project is a three-year initiative. The project is currently in phase one.