Gov't approves NIS 1.3b "Digital Israel" program Gila Gamliel photo: Tamar Matzafi 12 Jun, 2017 10:27 Shay Niv The program is designed to promote equality in exploitation of social rights and economic opportunity. At its weekly meeting yesterday, the government approved the "Digital Israel" program being promoted by the Ministry of Social Equality headed by Gila Gamliel. The program is meant as a "digital compass" for all government ministries and associated agencies at least until 2020. In the 2017-2018 budget it was allocated finance of NIS 1.5 billion. The program has three main aims. The first is to narrow social and geographical gaps by dealing with the gap between Israel's outlying areas and the center, reducing the cost of living, and promoting full exploitation of rights in healthcare and welfare. The second aim is to stimulate faster economic growth by promoting digital industries and businesses, and through the development of infrastructures and of a modern employment market. The third aim is to make government services smarter and more user-friendly by making government ministries and local government accessible and improving service to the citizen. For example, in the area of taking up rights, a "rights engine" will shortly be launched. This is an Internet site with a mobile app that enables a person to receive full information on the rights due to him or her by inputting basic personal details. Various programs have also been developed for the education and health systems. A pilot program designed to manage and streamline queues at hospital accident and emergency rooms is currently underway. "Through the program we have approved today we will bring about a situation in which every child in Israel will have available the infrastructure and digital know-how required to fulfill their potential to the full," Gamliel said. "The program will give genuine opportunity for mobility in Israeli society and will bring nearer the day when a girl from Dimona or a boy from Rahat will found the next Google or Facebook." Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on June 12, 2017 © Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2017