Frequently Asked Questions: 5G in Seattle Updated 12-5-2019 Page 1 of 2 What is the City of Seattle's Stance on 5G Implementation? One of Mayor Durkan’s top priorities is ensuring that we are making smart, safe, and equitable investments in the technology of the future. The City of Seattle collaborates with wireless providers to provide efficient and stable processes when developing and deploying next generation wireless infrastructure, including anticipated “5G” technology. When can we expect 5G to be fully implemented in Seattle? While there is currently no specific timeline for 5G network deployments in Seattle, we do know that the telecommunications industry has made significant investments in 5G technology and has aggressive goals for rolling it out in cities like Seattle. While the City works closely with telecommunications companies and recognizes the opportunities that the 5G industry brings with it, we must balance a desire to achieve superior telecommunications services while prioritizing the safety, security, and reliability of our critical electrical infrastructure and protecting the City’s limited public resources. Rushed development could lead to failures not only of the City’s electrical and street lighting system, but also of the new wireless networks, which could disrupt everyone in Seattle. What is the process for getting a 5G antenna installed in Seattle? In order to attach equipment to City owned poles, wireless providers must first submit an application confirming that the City’s standards have been satisfied. The City processes a large number of these applications each year, and the application process is the same regardless of the type of equipment a carrier intends to install. Because these utility poles play an important role in the City’s electrical and street lighting system, ensuring that all equipment installed on these poles remains functional is critical. That is why Seattle is resisting recently created FCC rules that strip cities of authority over the deployment of small cell facilities on City property. What are the health ramifications of 5G technology? Any wireless technologies deployed in the City are required to meet radio frequency (RF) emissions standards set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Questions on RF emissions safety can be answered here: Federal law (the Telecommunications Act of 1996) expressly preempts state and local governments from addressing health concerns over RF emissions. This means that the City cannot deny a permit to construct a wireless facility on that basis; the City can only require the facility to comply with the emissions standards set by the Federal Communications Commission. As part of the City’s review of an application for a wireless facility, the City requires an RF emissions study for each type of equipment. You can contact the Federal Communications Commission directly if you have concerns about RF emission standards or the possible health ramifications of new 5G networks. Federal Communications Commission: 1-888-225-5322 Frequently Asked Questions: 5G in Seattle Updated 12-5-2019 Page 2 of 2 Why does the City of Seattle currently have a lawsuit against the FCC? The City of Seattle has many critical concerns with the FCC Order that was adopted on September 26, 2018. Seattle remains committed to working collaboratively with wireless providers to support the deployment of future technologies, such as 5G wireless networks, to meet the growing connectivity needs of residents and visitors. However, the current FCC order inappropriately limits local control and imposes standardized fees that do not reflect the complexity and costs of service that will financially benefit for-profit industries. As such, the City of Seattle, along with other municipalities, appealed the FCC Order last year, and briefs were filed this summer. The local governments assert that the Order exceeds the FCC’s statutory authority, is arbitrary and capricious and an abuse of discretion, and is otherwise contrary to law. The Ninth Circuit has granted the local governments’ motion to fast-track the scheduling of oral arguments, and we are hopeful that there will be a decision in this case next year. I have more questions about 5G! The City of Seattle IT department has set up a direct line to help address any additional questions you may have. City of Seattle Wireless Telecommunications Line: 206-727-8700. Alternatively, you can contact the Federal Communications Commission directly if you have concerns about RF emission standards or the possible health ramifications of new 5G networks: Federal Communications Commission: 1-888-225-5322 For general questions about City of Seattle programs or policies, please reach out to the Customer Service Bureau at 206-684-2498 or you can submit a question at