Org | Common People |
An informal "list"/"tag" where we record all individuals and organizations in favor of the 'Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act' or similar "revenue neutral" carbon schemes. About the bill itself: It imposes a fee on the carbon content of fuels including crude oil, natural gas, coal and other derived products which result in greenhouse gases emissions. This fee imposed at the source follows a rate schedule which increases every year. The fee is collected to a Dividend fund which is re-distributed evenly among all US citizens and lawful residents. The current instance of this bill is H.R. 2307 introduced in April 2021. It is essentially identical to HR 763, S 3791 introduced in the 2019-2020 Congress. About the use of this LittleSis entity: We try and add a generic relation to this "organization" to all/any individual or organization who strongly favors these bills or similar legislation: legislative sponsors and co-sponsors, endorsers, etc, The generic relation is used to specify the nature of the support ('sponsor', 'endorse', 'advertise'...), showing the date when support started and free text in the notes for details when appropriate.
Org | Common People |