At RE-ENGINEERING FUTURES we experiment with technology foresights, game design, online learning tools and a number of other formats. We possess the human resources and expertise to take the responsibility for the next steps. When we work with teams, we don’t draw a line at the closing session. We produce roadmaps, atlases, conduct pilot-projects in world’s regions. Some call us dreamers, and so we are. But we are also hard-boiled enough to take this responsibility for the future. ducation is the point. Breaking point. We see education as the game changer. Our understanding of education is not limited to schools and universities. This is why we work with education foresights as part of start-up schools, foresight fleet* and corporate education formats. Our educational projects channel the soft technology capable of kick-starting real change. Foresight Fleet is a new format developed in Russia in 2012 to further gain unique momentum in 2013. Three to five hundred technology foresight & industry experts, investors & policy-makers leave for a 7 days cell-phone-free voyage. Dozens of intensive foresight sessions are conducted, visions for the future and real-life projects are kick-started as a result. The play-field for the Foresight Fleet 2013 was the Onega lake. The unique project brought together 520 participants, and is currently the largest future-awareness-building project in the world.