BUY THIS ISSUE Share | June 2001 | Volume 43 | Number 4 Issue Table of Contents First Amendment Schools Launched On March 15, ASCD and the First Amendment Center announced the launch of First Amendment Schools, a nationwide initiative to transform how public schools model and teach students the rights and responsibilities of the First Amendment. The goals of the project are to Create consensus guidelines for applying the five freedoms of the First Amendment in public schools. Develop schools where First Amendment principles are understood and applied. Encourage curriculum reforms that deepen teaching about the First Amendment. Educate stakeholders in public schools about First Amendment principles and ideals. The announcement coincided with the release of survey results revealing that educators are willing to support the First Amendment in principle but are wary of applying it in schools. The survey of 900 teachers and 902 administrators was conducted in January by the First Amendment Center and ASCD. For more information about the survey or the First Amendment Schools project, visit ASCD's Web site at or call Mike Wildasin at ASCD (703-575-5475).