Partners Battelle Learning Blade currently has a Memorandum of Understanding with Battelle and is collaborating with Battelle on programs that enlarge Learning Blade’s impact. Learning Blade has been validated as a supplemental tool for increasing STEM career awareness and interest by Battelle. Battelle operates an integration network and innovation lab in support of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education programs. It is a subsidiary of Battelle Memorial Institute, the world’s largest nonprofit research and development organization, founded on the vision that business and scientific interests can go hand-in-hand as forces for positive change. The Network and Lab work symbiotically to provide a community and distribution channel for resources that enhance learning impact within the STEM system. The Battelle STEM Innovation Network (BSIN) provides a community that allows teachers, schools, states and strategic partners to connect and share resources. The Battelle STEM Innovation Lab (BSIL) identifies and develops products which assist schools to enhance the reach and impact of educational offerings. Tata Consultancy Services TCS Logo Tata Consultancy Services has worked with Learning Blade to increase the efficiency and scalability of the Learning Blade platform. We are grateful to TCS the expertise that TCS has provided to Learning Blade, and for TCS's overall commitment to improving the quality of STEM education and the participation of women in STEM careers. Tennessee STEM Innovation Network The Tennessee STEM Innovation Network (TSIN) has been providing support to TN schools in STEM for several years. One of their goals is Increasing STEM Interest for ALL Tennessee Students. This year they turned to Learning Blade® to assist in increasing student interest and achievement in STEM. By making Learning Blade® available, at no cost to all middle schools in the state of Tennessee, TSIN hopes to introduce STEM opportunities to students in a novel format that demonstrates the benefits and roles of the careers in society. The added benefit of the Learning Blade platform is it also demonstrates the relevance of academic skills to STEM careers and provides real-world examples of the use of math and ELA skills in practical situations. We have engaged with the following partners in the statewide implementation. Arkansas Public School Resource Center The Arkansas Public School Resource Center (APSRC) was created to provide educational support services and technical assistance to charter schools and rural school districts in Arkansas. Working with the office of the Governor, APSRC has made Learning Blade available statewide with the support for the Arkansas Department of Education and the Department of Career Education. The partnership of the APSRC and Learning Blade allowed the level of support for the pilot districts with the focused professional development and technical assistance made the implementation seamless in over 500 sites statewide. LIFT The Lightweight Innovation for Tomorrow (LIFT) consortium is using Learning Blade to support KY schools developing STEM career awareness, particularly an educated and skilled workforce knowledgeable of the light weighting technologies and processes. LIFT is an industry-led, government-funded consortium that is reimagining processes and procedures to facilitate technology transfer into supply chain companies and empowering the lightweight metals workforce. LIFT believes using Learning Blade will aid in their goal to help the continuum of education and training that must be available in communities and states seeking to sustain, grow and attract manufacturing jobs in their economy. Million Women Mentors Million Women Mentors supports the engagement of one million Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) mentors (male and female) to increase the interest and confidence of girls and women to persist and succeed in STEM programs and careers. Million Women Mentors and Learning Blade work together to support mentorship by providing Learning Blade as a key mentoring tool to expose students to STEM careers. STEMconnector STEMconnector works closely with Learning Blade as a senior advisor, as well as with other organizations to provide them with a set of tools and resources that support and corporate development, structure, and smart STEM investments. Idaho STEM Action Center The Idaho STEM Actions Center works to produce a STEM competitive workforce by implementing Idaho’s Kindergarten through Career STEM education programs aligned with industry needs. It is conducting a pilot of Learning Blade in multiple schools. Hope Street Group Hope Street Group is dedicated to infusing diverse expertise into economic challenges to dramatically improve access to opportunity. They work diligently to expose students to the important model of innovation and technology paired with education, health, and jobs. Minorities in Energy The U.S. Department of Energy, Minorities in Energy Initiative (MIE) seeks to increase awareness and engagement of diverse Americans in the energy sector through a focus on: STEM education, Workforce development, Energy economic development and Climate change objectives. To that end MIE is providing Learning Blade to DC middle school students to help them “See Their Future in STEM.” STEM jobs are some of the best career opportunities for students in the DC area, yet most students are not interested or prepared for them. Studies show that the major reason that middle school students do not follow a STEM path is lack of awareness of the variety of STEM careers. The Department of Energy is changing all that by making available at no cost Learning Blade’s effective supplemental online STEM career awareness program to all DC middle schools. Cisco Cisco gives people skills to thrive in a connected world, empowering them to be global problem solvers and speed the pace of social change. Dow Dow's established corporate citizenship program illustrates our commitments through preserving and investing in communities, creating products to advance human progress, and generating shared value through philanthropic efforts around the world. Areva With AREVA’s primary focus on supporting education and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) initiatives, employees served as mentors, educators and coaches in schools and universities all over the North American region. Tennessee Association of Manufacturers LaunchTN Dataseam Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dyncorp US Synthetic