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Message from the Director Jesse Citizen Mr. Jesse Citizen Greetings! Thank you for your interest in the Defense Modeling and Simulation Coordination Office (DMSCO). M&S is a key enabler of Department of Defense (DoD) capabilities, supports the full range and scope of DoD missions and operations, and underpins innovative solutions meeting national security challenges, and saves resources. Over the past 20-plus years, modeling and simulation (M&S) has become pervasive, almost ubiquitous, throughout the Department. During that time, it has evolved from an emerging technology requiring Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)-level research and development (R&D) funding incentives to a recognized, necessary tool used by military Services and DoD agencies within their programs. As the focal point for the Department's M&S activities, DMSCO is responsible for: Planning and coordinating to support enterprise-level M&S activities that guide the Defense M&S Community to achieve the DoD Strategic Vision for M&S. Bringing together M&S stakeholders to advise on and assist in finding solutions for removing the barriers to interoperability, reuse, commonality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Developing, coordinating, and advocating for, with advice and assistance from the DoD M&S stakeholders, policy/guidance, technology, standards, best practices, and strategic planning processes that promote interoperability and reuse across the Department. To accomplish those tasks we continuously collaborate with a wide range of DoD M&S stakeholders that include the military Services, Joint Staff, and functional communities, as well as other Federal government agencies, industry, academia, and international partners. M&S users and developers cannot use, reuse, or leverage tools and capabilities that they do not know about, so the purpose of this website is to share information. For operations security and/or proprietary reasons, there are limitations to what we can share on a publicly accessible website, but our pledge is to continue to update you with information about M&S tools, data, and services, and the state of the DoD M&S enterprise. For those visitors who are members of, or contractors supporting the Department, there are several links to DoD-only sites that will assist you with your M&S tasks, e.g., the Defense M&S Catalog, where you can search for existing M&S tools and data that may provide you an opportunity for cost-saving reuse, as well as the capability to manage your own M&S tools locally. Again, thanks for visiting our site. If you have questions, concerns, or ideas for improvement, please contact the Defense M&S Help Desk.
Org | Common People |