OUR BELIEF We believe all students have the right to hold educational institutions accountable to them as partners in shaping their foundational experiences. Students must have a more powerful voice in order to combat the systemic inequity in education. Our focus is to identify student-centric and student-created solutions to address the systemic inequity in the American education system. This inequity manifests itself as a disparity in access to opportunities and resources across schools nationwide, specifically as it relates to socioeconomically disadvantaged students and school districts. OUR VISION Our Programs Ambassadors Students across the country participate in workshops to complete a year-long passion project which addresses a specific issue in their school or community. Chapters Local student groups identify the root causes of educational inequities. Student Voice provides the resources and tools that helps students create policies and practices to address these inequities. Journalism Fellowship 14 high school students report on their local experiences, producing multimedia content that heightens student voices in broader educational reform conversations. Youth United for Action Youth activists and students from across the country connect in the YU4A Facebook group to aggregate resources and accelerate collective action. Unleashing student voices to revolutionize education Student Voice provides students with the platform to change their schools and communities. We meet students where they are and identify student-centric solutions that address the systemic inequity in the American education system. Student Journalism Sharing the stories of America's students through local journalism READ THE STORIES → Our beliefs We believe that every student deserves these nine rights Access & Affordability All students have the right to an affordable and equitable education. Civic Participation All students have the right to engage with their community and expect their schools to treat them with the rights of citizens. Influence Decisions All students have the right to shape decisions and institutions that will affect their future. Deeper Learning All students have the right to an education tailored to their individual needs and that prepares them for life beyond high school. Diversity & Inclusivity All students have the right to learn in an environment that doesn’t discriminate against them and reflects the variety of backgrounds in the student body. Due Process All students have the right to understand existing rules in their school and the opportunity to address unfair treatment. Free Expression All students have the right to express themselves within an educational context. Modern Technology All students have the right to access modern technology to use for their education. Positive School Climate All students have the right to feel mentally, physically, and emotionally safe in school. View the Bill of Rights Guides