Bringing Robotics to Life MassRobotics is the collective work of a group of Boston-area engineers, rocket scientists, and entrepreneurs. With a shared vision to create an innovation hub and startup cluster focused on the needs of the robotics community, MassRobotics was born. MassRobotics’ mission is to help create and scale the next generation of successful robotics and connected device companies by providing entrepreneurs and innovative robotics/automation startups with the workspace and resources they need to develop, prototype, test, and commercialize their products and solutions. In order to create a fertile environment in which visionaries can thrive, MassRobotics: Offers best-in-class infrastructure and prototyping facilities to enable the unfettered development of robotic/automation systems. Promotes cost efficiencies by sharing services such as prototyping and testing space, maintenance support, IT, security, business services, investor introductions, and customer acquisitions. Anticipates needs and roadblocks for entrepreneurs in order to provide the smoothest possible path to growth. Provides innovation and investment back to the high tech community through acquisition opportunities, technology licensing, and facilitated innovation sabbaticals. Develops common-need technology services (i.e. sensors support and standards office) for the MassRobotics community. Inspires the next generation of innovators and builders through in-house, hands-on STEM collaboration and initiatives.