Board Members
Anne M Mulcahy
former CEO, Xerox
William H. Donaldson
SEC Commissioner under George W Bush
Roel C Campos
Former SEC Commissioner under George W Bush
David Edward Bonior
Former US Representative from Michigan
Eric Schmidt
Former Chairman, Alphabet Inc; former CEO of Google
Bill Daley
Obama White House chief of staff (2011-12); former JPMorgan executive and Clinton Secretary of Commerce
Laura D Tyson
Professor and former dean at the Hass School of Business at Berkeley; former Clinton official
Richard D Parsons
Former Citigroup chairman, took leadership roles at trouble companies including Time Warner and CBS
Larry Summers
former Clinton Treasury Secretary, former Obama National Economic Council director
Robert Rubin
Clinton Treasury Secretary; co-chair of Council on Foreign Relations
Obama-Biden Transition Project
Organization supporting the Obama presidential transition