In short, the credentialing world is confusing, at times even chaotic. To enhance the utility of credentials and reduce the costs borne by individuals and employers, we need a common language – a unified analytic framework that helps stakeholders compare the value and suitability of different types of credentials. This beta Credentials Framework, devel- oped on behalf of Lumina Foundation by experts from the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) and the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), aims to fill that need. The Framework uses competencies – what the learner knows and is able to do – as common reference points to help understand and compare the levels and types of knowledge and skills that underlie degrees, certificates, industry certifications, licenses, apprenticeships, badges and other credentials. Competencies are understood both in industry and academia and can be applied in multiple contexts, mak- ing them a powerful unifying way to examine credentials.