Thomas P. Sullivan
Senior Vice President of Operations
Thomas A. Dineen
Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President of Finance, and Treasurer
Sarah Colbert
Vice President of Administration
Shawn Leska
Vice President of Sales at Sturm Ruger
Chris Killoy
Sturm Ruger CEO
Timothy M. Lowney
Vice President of Prescott Operations
Kevin B. Reid
Vice President and General Counsel
Randall S. Wheeler
General Manager
Michael W. Wilson (Mickey)
Director of Mayodan Operations
Robert J. Werkmeister, Jr.
Vice-President of Marketing
Daniel Goldman
Lawyer, NY-10 Congressman, NYS 2002 AG candidate. decamillionaire
William Batterman Ruger
Businessman, inventor and co-creator of Sturm, Ruger firearms
Board Members
Sandy Froman
Tucson attorney, female former president of the National Rifle Association
John A Cosentino Jr
Vice Chairman, Sturm Ruger
Terrence G O’Connor
Board member, Sturm Ruger
Ronald C Whitaker
Board member, Sturm Ruger
Amir P Rosenthal
Board member, Sturm Ruger
Michael O Fifer
former CEO -- Sturm, Ruger and Company, inc.
Charles Michael Jacobi
President, Stable House 1, LLC. former Director, CCA
James E Service
Board member, Sturm Ruger
National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association of America; 501(c)(4) social welfare nonprofit.
James L. Seward
NY State Senator
Tom Libous
New York State Senator (R) 52nd Distriction (Binghamton area); conviction for lying to the FBI with judgment tossed posthumously on a technicality
Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute, Inc.
An association of manufacturers of firearms, ammunition
Services & Transactions
Renaissance Technologies LLC
Hedge fund
Vanguard Group Inc
One of the world's largest investment management companies
BlackRock, Inc.
The world's largest asset manager