SYSTEMIC CHALLENGES WE ADDRESS GAPS THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN OTHERWISE INVISIBLE, BY RESOURCING ORGANIZATIONS WITH DATA AND CREATING PORTFOLIOS TO TARGET SYSTEMIC CHALLENGES. We’ve been working at this for over 30 years, yet youth nonprofits collectively service only ~15-30% of Chicago’s youth through programs. It’s both risky and costly for individual organizations to test innovations on their own. Organizations often don’t have the capacity or support to access and use data to drive their decisions. In short, $2 billion is invested annually in over 300 youth-sector nonprofits, but very little coordination exists to ensure maximum impact. We believe that it’s possible to leverage a greater return on this investment. Organizations often don’t have the capacity or support to access and use data to drive their decisions. Collective data allows us to see things no one else can see. But what we’ve seen is that it’s really no one’s job to look at the whole. Each organization is only responsible for its own data and programs, and on a day-to-day basis, they have their hands full serving youth. Thrive loves the big picture. We see it as our unique job to do the thing that no one else has time for… and to share those findings with community leaders who can actually do something with it. Individuals, community leaders, and nonprofit programs are making a big impact on their neighborhoods. But if we look at the combined impact that the $2B of investment in Chicago’s youth, we see that only 15% effectiveness is being achieved. This isn’t that hard to fix, but it will take the focused attention of one organization that is looking at the whole. Looking at the collective impact and increasing that 15%... Imagine if it could be 70%? Are you tired of seeing missed opportunities? Thrive is too. That's why we go upstream from the issue to treat the symptom. We hate it when nothing happens. It could be so powerful if... The trajectory of a life shouldn’t be determined by your zip code. Inequity unfortunately still exists, and there is a need to continue the fight to right unequal power dynamics. Thrive sees the ripple effect of seemingly far-off decisions and they way those decisions impact education opportunity. Inspiring community leaders through data insights and collaboration so that, every youth in Chicago can THRIVE What burdens you most about education in Chicago? We’ve been working at this for over 30 years, yet youth nonprofits collectively service only ~15-30% of Chicago’s youth through programs. It’s both risky and costly for individual organizations to test innovations on their own. Organizations often don’t have the capacity or support to access and use data to drive their decisions. In short, $2 billion is invested annually in over 300 youth-sector nonprofits, but very little coordination exists to ensure maximum impact. We believe that it’s possible to leverage a greater return on this investment. OUR DATA POINTS US TO THE PLACES WHERE IMPACT IS NOT BEING FULLY REACHED. Data by Life Stage We are able to look holistically at the city of Chicago at different Stages of Life to identify program gaps and roadblocks to achievement. Our goal is for every child to enter kindergarten ready, succeed in high school, graduate, then earn a college degree or credentials, leading them to pursue a self-sustaining career. Data by Neighborhood Our model is built on the power of our neighborhoods, partnering with the community leaders who know their specific context best. We look through the lens of stories of individual youth. We go where the need is - where the data tells us opportunities will be to eliminate pain points. Data by Organization Using those collective insights based on the work of numerous community organizations, our work achieves milestones agreed upon by a wide variety of stakeholders. Thrive makes every investment more impactful by acting as a connective tissue between multiple organizations. In the News Thrive partners with the Obama Foundation to amplify the work of Youth Guidance Read the full article > HOW WE DO IT ACROSS OUR PORTFOLIOS, WE DEPLOY A SET OF FOUR KEY CAPABILITIES THAT LEAD TO MEANINGFUL OUTCOMES. We bring community leaders together and create a collaborative space for them to find their own solutions. CONVENE & CONNECT Using best-practices and uniquely cultivated data, we surface valuable analysis and insights that produce more effective outcomes. ACTIVATE DATA & RESEARCH Together, we innovate with community leaders to overcome systemic barriers and target specific outcomes for Chicago’s youth. CO-DESIGN SOLUTIONS We connect innovative, scalable solutions to funder investments, creating better futures which allow youth to Thrive. CONNECT TO SEED & SUSTAINABLE FUNDING WE'RE DRIVEN BY: A disruptive belief in "better" The gift of perspective The fight for true equality The potential of innovative thinking + + + + Thrive Chicago creates collaborative networks of people and data that accelerate innovation for Chicago’s youth. CONTACT US SUBMIT 211 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60606 Thrive Chicago is a 501c3 non-profit organization