World Economic Forum
Jennifer Lee, Katherine Maher
Berkman Klein Center
Laura DeBonis, John Palfrey
University of Michigan
Paul N Courant
Ropes & Gray LLP
John Palfrey
Council on Foreign Relations
Katherine Maher
Atlantic Council
Katherine Maher
MacArthur Foundation
John Palfrey
New York Public Library
Robert Darnton
Highland Capital Partners
John Palfrey
Laura DeBonis
Center for Democracy & Technology
Katherine Maher
National Public Radio
Katherine Maher
Center for Public Integrity
Jennifer Lee
Truman National Security Project
Katherine Maher
Access Now
Katherine Maher
Wikimedia Foundation
Katherine Maher
Data and Society
John Palfrey
Knight Foundation
John Palfrey
Poynter Institute
Jennifer Lee
Boston Athenæu
John Palfrey