TOTAL GAS & POWER NORTH AMERICA, INC. (“TGPNA”) is the exclusive natural gas trading and marketing entity in the U.S. for TOTAL S.A. TGPNA has been engaged in the natural gas trading and marketing business in North America since 1990. TGPNA Activities: Natural Gas Trading & Marketing - TGPNA annually ranks among the top sellers of physical natural gas in the U.S. by volumes traded and offers a full range of products to its customers, including: Physical trading; Financial trading; and Transportation and storage. Liquefied Natural Gas - TGPNA is contracted for 1.0 Bcf/day of LNG regasification capacity at the Sabine Pass LNG Receiving Terminal located in Cameron Parish, Louisiana. TGPNA is subscribed firm transportation capacity on the Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC, which is interconnected to the Sabine Pass terminal and extends for 132 miles to Evangeline Parish, Louisiana. Total has also negotiated a cooperation agreement with Sabine Pass Liquefaction that will help to further expand the liquefaction capabilities being developed adjacent to the Sabine Pass LNG terminal. Shale Gas - In January 2012, Total acquired 25% of Chesapeake’s natural gas portfolio in the Utica Shale. TGPNA is responsible for the commercialization of Total’s production in the Barnett and Utica Shale. Petcoke - TGPNA is the sole marketer for approximately one million tons/year of petcoke produced at Total’s Port Arthur Refinery.