Leadership & Staff
Ramona Pierson
Founded SynapticMash Inc.in 2007 to revolutionize the learning management and assessment systems in education
Stephen Jury
Former CEO Promethean Educational Technology Company, UK
Iwan Streichenberger
CEO, inBloom
Redefining Teacher Education for Digital Age Learners
AFT Sponsored Conference at UT Austin, 2009
Center for Curriculum Redesign (CCR)
Remaking Global Education in 21st Century
Change the Equation
Obama STEM Initiative "Educate to Innovate"
Services & Transactions
Synaptic Mash
Ed Tech Company
Miscellaneous Relationships
New Pedagogies for Deep Learning
Global Partnership for Education Transformation Led By Tech Interests and OECD
Digital Promise
National center created by Congress with bipartisan support to advance technologies that can transform teaching and learning