American Fuels and Petrochemical Manufacturers Association Political Action Committee (Afpmpac)
William R Klesse, David L Lamp, Gregory James Goff, Lawrence Michael Ziemba
Freedom Partners Action Fund
William R Klesse
Romney Victory
William R Klesse, Gary R Heminger, David L Lamp, Lawrence Michael Ziemba
Valero Energy Corporation Political Action Committee
William R Klesse
Republican National Committee
William R Klesse, Gary R Heminger, David L Lamp, Gregory James Goff, Lawrence Michael Ziemba, James Louis Mahoney
Mitt Romney
William R Klesse, Gary R Heminger, David L Lamp, Gregory James Goff, Lawrence Michael Ziemba, Catherine Karen
Phillips 66 PAC
Lawrence Michael Ziemba
Boehner for Speaker Cmte
Gary R Heminger
National Republican Congressional Committee
William R Klesse, Gary R Heminger
Victory Trust 2014
David L Lamp
Frontier Oil Corporation PAC
David L Lamp
Marathon Petroleum Corporation Employees Political Action Committee (Mpac)
Gary R Heminger
Rob Portman
Gary R Heminger
Bob Latta
Gary R Heminger
McConnell Victory Kentucky
Gary R Heminger
Portman-Ohio Victory Cmte
Gary R Heminger
Tesoro Petroleum Corporation Political Action Committee
Gregory James Goff
John Boehner
Gary R Heminger
Republican Party of Kentucky
Gary R Heminger
John Cornyn
William R Klesse