Focuses on the distribution of Goldman Sachs Funds
People Have Given To
People with positions in Goldman Sachs & Co LLC have made donations to
Republican National Committee $153,800 Michael D Fascitelli, Henry M Paulson Jr, Thaddeus R Shelly III, Thomas S Roberts
National Republican Congressional Committee $144,200 Michael D Fascitelli, Henry M Paulson Jr, Thomas S Roberts
National Republican Senatorial Committee $117,800 Henry M Paulson Jr, Thomas S Roberts
NRSC - Nonfederal $75,000 Henry M Paulson Jr
Romney Victory $73,300 Thomas S Roberts
Mitt Romney $70,300 Michael D Fascitelli, Henry M Paulson Jr, Thomas S Roberts
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $50,400 Michael D Fascitelli
Bruce Rauner $50,000 Henry M Paulson Jr
Trump Victory $50,000 Michael D Fascitelli
Senate Majority PAC $50,000 Amy Hood
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee $40,000 Henry M Paulson Jr
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Political Action Committee, the $38,504 Henry M Paulson Jr, Michael Borys, Arthur Peponis
Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee $34,175 Michael D Fascitelli, Thomas S Roberts
Democratic National Committee $33,531 Michael D Fascitelli, Amy Hood, Marcus J Dash
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. Political Action Committee $27,500 Michael D Fascitelli
Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte $25,000 Michael D Fascitelli
Scott Brown Victory Cmte $25,000 Thomas S Roberts
Real Estate Roundtable Political Action Committee (Realpac) $23,500 Michael D Fascitelli
Goldman Sachs Political Action Committee $22,750 Michael D Fascitelli, Henry M Paulson Jr
League of Conservation Voters Action Fund $20,000 Henry M Paulson Jr