The goal of bringing conservative speakers to campus remains, and the Foundation launches a nationwide effort to share the Conservative Movement’s greatest minds and voices with student audiences to provide intellectual balance. YAF leaders, Frank Donatelli and Ron Robinson, established the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in 1972. Young America’s Foundation’s newly renovated Reagan Ranch Center re-opens in downtown Santa Barbara. This facility is the most important hub of conservative activity outside of Washington, D.C. It is a “Schoolhouse for Reaganism” complete with classrooms, conference space, a theater, library, boardroom, interactive exhibits and galleries, and offices to house our Reagan Ranch team members. Young America’s Foundation and Young Americans for Freedom become one united YAF in 2011. Young America’s Foundation is still the name of the parent organization. Young Americans for Freedom joins the National Journalism Center and the Reagan Ranch as a project of Young America’s Foundation.