Foundation Donors to the Anti-ESG Lobby

Known funders to the top advocates of state "anti-ESG" policies.
June 19, 2024
Chairman & CEOpresidentPresidentFounderchief counselConnected NonprofitFounderParent OrgDonation · 200,000 USDsole trusteeFounderParent OrgFounder Donation/GrantAffiliationGrant · 153,000,000 USDDonation/GrantJEP director Parent OrgOwnerParent OrgDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantParent OrgDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantDonation/GrantSecond-largest private company in the US, involved in manufacturing, trading and investmentsKoch Industries,Inc.Conservative think tankThe HeritageFoundationLibertarian billionaire scion of the Koch empire.Charles KochNon-profit research and education organization, climate change denial front groupHeartlandInstituteConservative funding juggernautSarah ScaifeFoundationDunn Capital Management, Stuart FloridaWilliam A DunnConservative Policy think tank, publishes "Veritas"Texas PublicPolicy FoundationPresident at Trippe Mfg Co; in 2021 donated $1.6 billion to a political non-profit run by Leonard A. LeoBarre SeidOrganization designed to link state legislators with corporations and create templates for state legislationAmericanLegislativeExchange CouncilThe Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a conservative foundation with about half a billion US dollars in assets. According to the Bradley Foundation 1998 Annual ReportThe Lynde andHarry BradleyFoundationSearle FreedomTrustDunn Foundation for theAdvancement of RightThinkingBillionaire founder and CEO of shipping supplies manufacturer UlineRichard UihleinHeritage Foundation sister organization. 501(c)4 organization dedicated to advancing conservative policy.Heritage Actionfor AmericaState Policy Network member think tank in FloridaFoundation for GovernmentAccountabilityAttorney, founded Marble Freedom Trust; former executive vice president of the Federalist Society; Republican fund raiser Leonard Leohub of well-funded politically conservative "dark money" networkConcord FundDiana DavisSpencer FoundationNon profit managed by Dick Uihlein Ed Uihlein FamilyFoundationJudicial Crisis Network; Leonard Leo protégé Carrie SeverinoFormerly known as the Charles Koch InstituteStand TogetherFellowshipsDiana DavisSpencerGrantmaking foundation controlled by Koch Industries CEO Charles KochCharles KochFoundationLobbying arm of the Foundation for Government AccountabilityOpportunitySolutions ProjectLeonard Leo group w/multiple aliasesThe 85 Fund501(c)4 nonprofit connected to Leonard LeoRule of Law TrustStand Together Chamber of Commerce is the 501(c)6 business league formerly known as Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce and The Seminar Network Chamber of CommerceStand Togetherconnects Republican free-market state treasurers and auditors with industry and dark money groupsState FinancialOfficersFoundationConservative dark money fund Marble FreedomTrust501(c)4 lobbying affiliate of The Heartland InstituteHeartland ImpactGrantmaking organization controlled by affiliates of Koch Industries, subsidiary of Stand Together Chamber of Commerce.Stand TogetherTrust

ESG: A culture war strawman propped up by climate denial groups.

In states across the country, as well as on Capitol Hill, Republican lawmakers are proposing and passing legislation meant to halt corporate action on social issues of our day, from climate change to workers' rights. The bills weaponize civil liability and government contracting power to punish companies, investors, public pensions, and other financial players for taking even modest stands on issues and risks that actually have material business and investment significance. This coordinated “anti-ESG" campaign--referring to “Environment, Social and Governance” investing principles--is taking place alongside other efforts to obstruct social change (anti-CRT and anti-DEI), using acronyms that few people understand. 

According to Pleiades Strategy, “the anti-ESG state legislative campaign has been largely driven by right-wing think tanks and advocacy organizations with a long history of engaging in efforts to stop corporate action on climate change, advance deregulatory and anti-union policies, and erode civil rights protections.”

The trend builds upon previous legislative tactics developed by the Israeli government lobby (to oppose the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement) and the firearms industry (to punish companies accused of “discriminating” against gun and ammunition manufacturers.) 

As Pleiades describes it, “Anti-ESG legislation targets multiple state and federal policy levers, including state contracts, public worker pensions, financial disclosures, and federal rulemaking. These right-wing proposals seek to shape the private sector’s response to important risks, like climate change, pollution, workplace discrimination, or other important factors.”