
January 21, 2023
Grant · 500,000 USDStrategic PartnerStrategic PartnerStrategic PartnerParent OrgparentDonation/GrantPartnerProgramLong Time DonorCo-FounderSupporterSupporterDonation/GrantCo-founder & Chief Executive OfficerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerpartnerStrategic PartnerAffiliationFormer EmployeePresidentFormer PresidentCFOPartner & Chief Experience OfficerPartner & CFOSenior Director, Private Sector LeadCampaign ManagerInterrogatorFounder, Racial Equity Impact Practice & Senior Strategy DirectorHead of Strategic PartnershipsPolitical DirectorHead of Global Partnershipspartnership development for the media and health sectorsManaging Director of the McKinsey France FoundationCabinet of the High Commissioner for Employment and Business Engagement as Business, Inclusion & Social Impact Minister AdvisorPersons with Significant ControlSAME NY ADDRESS American multinational technology company; specializes in Internet-related services, productsGoogle Inc.Nike, Inc. is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and serviceNike, Inc.Founded in 1971 and headquartered in Seattle, WA, Starbucks Corporation (NASDAQ: SBUX) is the world's largest specialty coffee retailer. The company has over 10,000 locations worldwide.StarbucksElite private university located in Cambridge, MAHarvard UniversityLand warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces.US ArmyHillary Clinton's 2008 campaign committee for POTUSHillary Clintonfor PresidentFamily foundation of Microsoft founder Bill GatesBill & MelindaGates FoundationUNICEFCivil Liberties Advocacy Founded in 1920American CivilLiberties UnionThe U.S. national organization of the World Wide Fund for NatureWorld WildlifeFund, Inc.RockefellerFoundationUN agency that acts as authority on international public healthWorld HealthOrganizationAdvocacy not-for-profitAnti-DefamationLeagueManagement consulting firmMcKinsey & CompanyNonprofit founded in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to strengthen Black America's political voice.ColorOfChange.orgThe World Economic Forum is an independent, international organization incorporated as a Swiss not-for-profit foundation.World EconomicForumInternational organizationUnited NationsFounder of Virgin GroupRichard BransonMTV NetworksCompanyUnilever's English controlling companyUnilever PLCIncludes Mike Bloomberg's personal giving and the Bloomberg Family FoundationBloombergPhilanthropiesAn entertainment content companyViacomInternational Inc.Zuckerberg-backed advocacy groupFWD.usAmnestyInternationalCo-Founder and CEO, PurposeJeremy Heimansfood assistance program of the UNWorld FoodProgrammecrowdfunding site devoted to aiding personal causesGoFundMeBy bringing world class engineering to the front lines of science and education, we can build new tools and technologies that help organizations scale.Chan ZuckerbergInitiativeMoveOn.orgMoveOnNARAL Pro-ChoiceAmericaHome Goods PhilanthropyIKEA FoundationRichard Branson Founded Global Benefit Corporation Advocacy GroupThe B TeamCrowdRisePurpose CampaignsPBCInformation technology service company, based in ParisCapgemini SETeamhaloLlyse HogueHarpreet BaggaJon DamonKeno SadlerSimon GoffAlex Hammer DucasBernard HaymanCatherine AddoEmily HawkinsEmma McDonaldLuz RodriguezNicolas GoudyfranceAll Out ActionFund Inc.