White Nationalism / Alliance Defending Freedom / Federalist Society / Yale

June 16, 2022
FounderJD, Law (past)JD (2006)Allied Legal OrganizationMemberself-described "allied attorney" belonging to network of approx. 1000 others working with ADFCollaborator; met with OathKeepers at least twice from 2018-2020chapterBoard member 2002-3frequent collaboratorsCongregant of Shea's churchbrothermemberstudent groupcollaboratorsBoard member 2005-06member, possible board member (?) 2011-12JD 2012marriedmember, board member (?) 2010-12Ivy League law schoolYale Law SchoolAn organization of conservatives and libertarians seeking reform of the current American legal system in accordance with a textualist or originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Federalist SocietyAnti-government membership organizationOath KeepersLawyer, Founder of Oath Keepers | former volunteer to Ron Paul's failed presidential campaignStewart RhodesLegal ministry bringing together Christian lawyersAlliance DefendingFreedomMissouri U.S. senator, former Missouri attorney generalJosh Hawleyright wing hate groupPatriot FrontJosiah DanielBusterFormer WA state rep; Pastor (On Fire Ministries); white nationalist with ties to Aryan NationsMatt SheaYale chapter of national FedSoc orgYale FederalistSocietyInfluential white nationalist with ties to Christian Identity movement, Aryan NationsBarry ByrdPatriot Front member; arrested Coeur d'Alene for planning violence at LGBT Pride 2022Michael BusterAnthony BosworthCo-host of "The Prosecutors" podcast and Alabama Federal Prosecutor with social/professional ties to known white supremacist Brett TalleyAlice LacourUltraconservative Trump-endorsed Solicitor General of Alabama judge in AlabamaEdward LacourFor the 2016 God and Country festival (where Shea hosted a special, invite-only meeting with the Byrds), Ann Byrd explained in an e-mail to invitees that it was “largely focused on building a Resistance to the globalists’ relentless assault on our liberty in the United States.” Shea gave a workshop for kids: “An exercise in field skills for youth, including (but not limited to): field strip and reassemble assigned weapon; orienteering, field dressing wounds, following orders, PT, shooting skill, etc.” After dinner, he gave another workshop called “Going Underground.”Josiah and David Buster were arrested alongside at least 28 others in Coeur d'Alene, ID in June of 2022. The group was planning a violent attack at the local Pride event.Both men are congregants of Shea's church.Shea has created a plan for creating a plan for “biblical war” that features the execution of nonbelievers and the creation of a 51st state called “Liberty.” https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2018/oct/26/rep-matt-shea-takes-credit-criticism-for-document-/Shea participated in secretive online chat with Bosworth while a WA state rep. Bosworth's history includes a public altercation with his own daughter and bringing guns to a court house. Bosworth participated in the 2016 occupation of the Malheur national wildlife refuge, reportedly at Shea’s request.https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/apr/20/matt-shea-rightwing-messages-chat-records