Who owns & runs Sturm Ruger?

June 08, 2022
Vice ChairmanBoard memberBoard memberBoard memberBoard memberBoard memberCEOBoard Member15.9% shareholder10.7% shareholder5.9% shareholderPrevious Funder: $40 million Current Lender: $40 millionLarge San Francisco-based bank holding companyWells Fargo &CompanyAlabama-based bank holding companyRegions FinancialThe world's largest asset managerBlackRock, Inc.Phillip C WidmanOne of the world's largest investment management companiesVanguard Group IncHedge fundRenaissanceTechnologies LLCformer CEO -- Sturm, Ruger and Company, inc.Michael O FiferTucson attorney, female former president of the National Rifle AssociationSandy FromanFirearm manufacturing company based in Southport, ConnecticutSturm RugerVice Chairman, Sturm RugerJohn A CosentinoJrBoard member, Sturm RugerAmir P RosenthalBoard member, Sturm RugerRonald C WhitakerBoard member, Sturm RugerTerrence GO’ConnorSturm Ruger CEOChris Killoy