The Kirkland Network at the DOJ

Attorney General Bill Barr’s campaign to exert political control over the DOJ in advance of the upcoming election is also a story of corporate capture: a single law firm, Kirkland & Ellis, has a revolving door monopoly on the highest ranks of the Department of Justice that deserves far more scrutiny.
October 30, 2020
PartnerPartner (past) Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources DivisionPartner (past)of counsel until 2019partner until 2017Attorney GeneralDeputy Attorney GeneralAssistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division (past)partner, 2010-2017; Sept 2020-presentprincipal deputy associate attorney generalpartner until 2017special assistant and associate counsel to President Trump (past)assistant attorney general, office of legal counseldeputy assistant to President Trumpchief of staff to the deputy AG and associate deputy AGpartner (past)associate counsel to President Trump (past)deputy assistant AG, office of legal counseldeputy counsel to President Trumppartner (past)partner until 2019White House Counsel to President TrumpAssistant attorney general, DOJ Office of Legal Policypartner (past)deputy assistant AG, torts branchpartner (until August 2020)deputy assistant attorney general, national security divisionattorney (past)principal deputy assistant attorney generalpartnerassociate counsel, 2002-2006associate counsel, 2019-August 2020reports toreports toreported toreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toreports toreported to (as deputy chief of staff)reports toreports toassociateCounsel, Civil DivisionTorts Branch directorAttorney GeneralWilliam BarrPrimary federal criminal investigation and enforcement agencyDepartment ofJusticeLaw firmKirkland & EllisIncludes multiple levels of presidential advisory boards and advisorsWhite HouseFormer Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Department of Justice; former Republican Staff Director for the Senate Judiciary CommitteeBrian BenczkowskiTrump Deputy Counsel to the President for National Security Affairs' former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Department of JusticeJohn A EisenbergAssistant AG, Office of Legal PolicyBeth Ann WilliamsAssistant Attorney General, Office of Legal CounselSteven EngelActing assistant AG, Civil Division; Assistant AG, ENRDJeffrey BossertClarkWhite House counsel, former partner, Stein Mitchell Cipollone Beato & Missner LLPPat CipolloneDeputy AGJeffrey A Rosendeputy White House counselPatrick Philbincyber-crimes prosecutorKellen DwyerPrincipal Deputy Associate AGClaire McCuskerMurraychief of staff to the deputy AG and associate deputy AGJohn Morandeputy assistant AG, Office of Legal CounselDevin DeBackerDeputy assistant AG, DOJDoug SmithPrincipal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, DOJ ENRDJonathanBrightbillTorts Branch director at the DOJJames TouheyCounsel at the DOJ's Civil DivisionWilliam Lane

The DOJ's highest ranks are dominated by former Kirkland attorneys