"The year Dodd-Frank became law, in 2010, the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) formed its "Right On Crime" project to make a conservative push for criminal justice reform, with "overcriminalization" one of its priority issues. TPPF is one of the "think tanks" that is part of ALEC and a sibling of ALEC, the State Policy Network (SPN), which has also been funded by Koch money and other funding vehicles used by the Koch network of billionaires.
Thanks to an accidental disclosure of TPPF's donor list, theTexas Observer reported that Koch Industries directly funded TPPF to the tune of $160,000 that year, as did the Kochs' Claude R. Lambe Foundation, which gave $70,000. Funding from Koch Industries or the Kochs themselves is not publicly reported so it is not known whether Koch Industries or the Kochs funded TPPF in prior or subsequent years.
When the "Right On Crime" launched its website on this project in early 2011, the group made clear that a major focus was "Overcriminalization," which it described on the front page of its website as "The Criminal Prosecution of Corporations."
Right on Crime's first post on overcriminalization warned that "criminal prosecution of corporations has gotten out of hand" and decried the prosecution of Arthur Andersen in the Enron case."
PRWatch, Koch Self-Interest in Criminal Justice Reform, Exposed