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Public insurance option may go by the wayside

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says the government may drop the public option in effort to compromise on reform. (WSJ) On “Meet the Press,” Howard Dean calls the


Senators explore cost of medical devices

Senators Herb Kohl, Bill Nelson and Chuck Grassley investigate the process of purchasing medical supplies in an effort to keep taxpayers’ health costs down. (NYT) Virginia Senator Jim Webb visits


Fed says the economic tides are turning

Two years later, the Fed says the economy is taking a turn for the better. (NYT) Senators like Chuck Grassley, Ben Cardin, and Arlen Specter continue to get grief at


Obama takes to the streets

With Congress on recess, President Obama himself takes to town hall meetings to convince the public of his health care reform. (WSJ) As Edward Liddy hands power of AIG over


Sotomayor is confirmed, 68-31

Sonia Sotomayor is confirmed by the Senate, making her the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice. (NYT) Senate Dems have an ally in Republican Lindsey Graham who has said he’ll join


Goldman denies any real trouble before bailout

Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn says the lending firm would have been fine without the bailout. (NYT) Former AIG Chairman Maurice Greenberg may face an SEC lawsuit under allegations of


Health care lobbyists step up their game

Major insurance lobbyists, like Karen Ignagni of AHIP, once willing to compromise on reform, are now feeling the push as the vote draws closer. (NYT) Lobbyists are bombarding key members
