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Conservative Dems still want health reform, too

Blue Dogs, like Rep. Stephanie Sandlin of South Dakota, still want “necessary” health care reform. Just nothing “radical.” (NYT) Scandal-ridden South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is still refusing to leave


Massachusetts governor to push for interim seat

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has set a special election for Jan. 19 to fill Ted Kennedy‘s Senate seat, but will push the State Legislature to appoint an interim successor. (NYT)


Dems reorganize on health fight

After Ted Kennedy‘s death, Senate Democrats scramble to reorganize. (Reuters) Amid predictions that the economy is on an upswing, FDIC Chair Sheila Bair reports the banking industry lost billions last


The search is on for Kennedy replacement

The fight begins to name Ted Kennedy‘s successor. (WSJ) For Democrats, Kennedy’s death has become a rallying point to pass a health bill. (NYT) AIG CEO Robert Benmosche defends the


Liberal Lion succumbs to brain cancer

Senator Ted Kennedy dies overnight at his home in Cape Cod. He was 77. (NYT) The newest victim of town hall health care attacks is Rep. Jim Moran (WSJ) Rep.


Bernanke reappointed for second term

President Obama renews Ben Bernanke‘s chairmanship at the Federal Reserve, praising his calm amid the financial crisis. (NYT) Republicans come out with a “Medicare manifesto” in an effort to get
