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Feinberg cuts compensation at seven firms

Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg will slash pay for top executive at financial firms receiving bailout funds. (WSJ) Sen. Harry Reid‘s plan to increase Medicare payments to doctors was defeated yesterday


Kerry negotiates Afghani runoff election

Sen. John Kerry emerges as an Obama foreign policy bargaining chip as he travels to Afghanistan to negotiate the runoff elections there. (WSJ) Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says some TARP


Baucus: public option is still an option

Sen. Max Baucus says the public option is still “alive” in the Senate. (WSJ) Sen. Harry Reid and others are inserting provisions into the health care bill to protect their


Pay czar blocks Bank of America CEO’s pay

Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis will forgo his 2009 pay, after urgings from Pay Czar Kenneth Feinberg. (Reuters) Senate Democrats come together to work out their internal concerns on


Health bill now brought to Senate floor

Sen. Harry Reid leads Democratic support in the full Senate for the health bill. (Reuters) Republican Sen. Susan Collins reaches across the aisle to work with Democrats on health reform.


Finance committee passes health bill through

The Senate Finance Committee approved Sen. Max Baucus‘ health bill yesterday with a 14-9 vote. (Reuters) In a key Republican vote, Sen. Olympia Snowe votes for the health reform bill.


Finance Committee to vote on health bill today

The Senate Finance Committee will vote on Sen. Max Baucus‘ health bill today beginning at 10 am, EST. (Reuters) Democrats fight back against an insurance industry report AHIP President Karen
