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Names in the news, 11.25.2009

* The White House has announced that President Obama will attend the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen. * Military contractors employed by Blackwater are at the center of a secret


AARP, AMA endorse health bill

President Obama snatched up endorsements of the health bill by AARP and AMA and will visit the Capitol today to make one last push to lawmakers. (WSJ) Fourteen people are


House Dems want a weekend health vote

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pushing for a vote on the health bill Saturday. (NYT) Fourteen more arrests have been made in the Galleon insider trading case. (Bloomberg) The Senate


Health bill may not be passed until 2010

Sen. Harry Reid said the health reform debate may carry on into 2010. (WSJ) House Republicans have drafted their own health bill with no public option that doesn’t require people


Panel aims to pass climate bill before December

Sen. Barbara Boxer has charged the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee with completing a climate change bill before the international summit in Copenhagen in December. (Reuters) Three key races


Republicans to release their own health bill

Rep. John Boehner says House Republicans will release their own health bill this week. (WSJ) White House economic adviser Larry Summers will hold a meeting today to discuss the economy.


Chamber of Commerce chief lambastes health bill

Chamber of Commerce Chief Thomas Donohue strikes out against Obama’s health care plan. (WSJ) Sen. Tom Coburn, also a licensed family physician, is one of the health bill’s most fervent


House Democrats to unveil health bill

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats will announce their own health bill today that includes a public option and taxes the wealthiest Americans to pay for it. (Reuters) Under the
