IOGCC and the Fracking Waste Exemption

April 14, 2016
SenatorExecutive DirectorChild OrganizationDonationDonationDonationDonationGrantPositionParent OrganizationHierarchyDonationDonationDonationDonationexecutive vice presidentstafferexecutive directorchairmanAssistant Secretary of Energy for Fossil EnergySecretary of EnergyHierarchyGrantGrantAssistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Responseassociate directorexecutive directorDonationmemberlobbyistmemberlegal counselVP, public and government affairsmembermembersenior counsellobbied for oil and gas waste exemptionlobbied for oil and gas waste exemptionLobbied for 1988 hazardous waste exemptionformer staff directorCollaboratorsExxonMobilChevronConocoPhillipsMarathon OilCorporationXTO Energy Inc.US SenateEnvironmentalProtection AgencyDepartment ofEnergyLloyd M BentsenSchlumberger N.V.American PetroleumInstituteDomestic EnergyProducers AllianceOklahoma IndependentPetroleum AssociationIPAAC Michael SmithInterstate Oil and GasCompact CommissionEnergy in DepthLee FullerSTRONGERJerry SimmonsOklahoma Office of theSecretary of Energy &EnvironmentJ Winston PorterNationalAssociation ofRoyalty OwnersSantana GonzalezJrEvan OlsonLindsay DingmoreRonald C SchultzJr

The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, a multi-state organization created by Congress in 1935 to protect the nation's oil and gas interests, acts more as an industry lobbying group with governmental imprimatur

Since the 1980s, IOGCC has been active in securing and maintaining a loophole in an environmental protection bill – the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act – whereby oil and gas waste products have been exempted from EPA regulations for hazardous wastes.

Check out the DeSmog investigation on this issue for more.